Late effects from chemotherapy
Hi everyone,
I’d like to pose this question to those who have done systemic chemotherapy for muscle invasive bladder cancer.
Since October of 2007 – 3 months after I completed 4 rounds cysplatin/gemzar – my abdominal MRIs have shown progressive liver problems…
10/07 – can see 2 micronodular things
12/07- micronodes are more defined
2/08 – add scattered calcifications
5/08 – arterioportal shunt presents
8/08 – shunt is stable at 3cm
11/08 – still have shunt, micronodules, calcifications and now have some ascites
I deal with strong fatigue – atleast once a week I lose a day just to lay around needing to rest. I still struggle with my appatite. My weight can go up or down by 10 pounds within a day or so. And the vomitting still happens often.My question – Are you dealing with liver problems that started long after you finished chemotherapy? I find it hard to believe that the drinking I did in my teens and twenties are suddenly affecting me now. In researching the late effects of chemo – particularly cisplatin – there is liver disease attributed to it but most is vague and addressed “not much information is known”. Incidentally, my chest exrays also have oddities they attribute to chemotherapy as well.
Thank you and God Bless, Holly