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  • Keeping Peace

    Posted by on July 22, 2008 at 3:15 pm

    We all are here some with worst cases of this cancer but needless to say we have it one way or the other. I am a very easy going guy and we at times under stress or don’t see eye to eye must remember we are adults and maybe a person is having a bad day. I never hold a grudge with anyone and take upon myself to forgive anyone. Life is way too short as I know I found out having this disease and no matter what problems you think you might have we should all work together to bring peace among ourselves and also in this world. Every morning I see the sun rise I thank God for another blessed day and my mission is to try to live as long as I can and try my best to get along with everyone which is usually a very easy chore for me. Also Cynthia has given us a wonderful site and suppporting and caring for eachother is the best gesture we can show her for all her sacrifices with this project which is no easy task. Bless You All, Joe

    replied 16 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
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    July 23, 2008 at 4:12 am

    No problem Gene you and Ginger are a great couple. I like speaking with other women hearing their veiwpoints on this topic, but I also like you like to get into a conversation man to man and discuss our thoughts. I know alot of guys here might be nice to have a mans Chat room and also a womens Chat room just a thought that went through my head. I hope all keeps going well for you and your family. Peace, Joe ;)

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    July 22, 2008 at 5:47 pm

    Well said Joe,

    As I went through my ordeal with b/c you were very encourageing to GInger and I. If I haven’t said it before, THANK YOU, Gingers words of encouragement and her positive attitude got me where I am today, there were days I wondered if I would be here for my family, everyday is a gift for me.
    I don’t write on this site often, I mostly speak with the men who are facing the surgery, as I come up to the one year mark I am grateful for friends who helped us……WE WILL BOTH CONTINUE TO SUPPORT OTHERS IN THE HOPE WE ARE A COMFORT TO THEM!! Gene Beane

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