Just an update and Hello
Hello again,
Lately I have been a bit scarce on the forum. Things have just been busy with the kids, family, broke a molar, seeing drs, seeing drs and seeing even more drs:S I have been able to log on a few minutes here and there and have been keeping an ear to the ground for all of my cafe family, too.
Today my port was removed in a outpatient surgery. We are not looking at chemo and I have really had a tough time remembering to get it flushed every 4 weeks. All the fears of bloodclots was just too much. The oncologist was for it as treatment for my bone cancer will likely be surgery and radiation. The surgeon left the final call to me knowing I have other issues and it really could go either way. So I said my prayers and am hoping I won’t need chemo.
I have seen the rhumatologist today also. He says the osteoarthritis is in my lumbar facet joints. He suspects there is a nerve problem at my tailbone too. He informed me that it is progressive and disabling. His recommendation is cortizone shots to each little facet joint. I asked how all that cortizone could affect my kidneys as my GFR is below 60 – not sure it was answered. In addition he felt a nerve block was not an option. Any thoughts here would be appreciated.
Eating has really become a problem – I always feel full and take a fair ammount of compazine just to keep food down. But I have lost a total of 20 pounds now. I have pain almost perpetually under my ribs on the right side. I sure want to believe things are kosher in my liver but I am finding it harder to do everyday.
Just wanted to let all know I am still here and hanging in there albeit a bit emotionally distressed. Everyone here is still on my prayer list and in my thoughts, God Bless, Holly