Is this a BCG side effect?
As we all do, we turn to our group when something happens that we don’t understand. I’m reaching out to see if anyone has had what I’m experiencing today and if so what was done. I started my second round of 6 weeks treatment of BCG after my latest TURBT found a TAG3 (high grade) tumor. Yesterday the procedure went as it had in the past and the side effects last night was the normal (fatigue, body aches, slight fever and urethra discharge). After a good night sleep I got up and was preparing to go to the office when I experienced lower back weakness that progressively turned into severe pain. So severe that it was almost impossible to stand or walk. I called my URO when his office opened. He sent me to the ER where they took x-rays of the lower back. This revealed nothing and I was sent home with pain meds and muscle relaxers. The medication has lowered the pain so it is somewhat tolerable, but I continue to suffer. My URO stated that he has never had a patient experience this type of side effect, but he said if was reasonable, that the immune system triggered an existing condition. I have had back pain from over doing sports or manual work in the past, but nothing like this.
So the question, has anyone experienced or heard of the lower back going into muscle spasms or severe irritation? I looked around on the internet and found a couple of places that stated that if you experienced back or joint pain, to notify your doctor. However, I didn’t find anything that this was a common side effect. My URO contacted Dr. Lamb’s office to consult with him. Hopefully this is something that will not stop my treatments. Perhaps going to a lower dose, will moderate the reactions. Otherwise, I really hate the thought of having to give up on the BCG.
As always, I appreciate your opinions, your experiences and support.
Chuck :unsure:
dx – Aug 2005
Five reoccurences (last 12/09 Ta high grade)
BCG Started 10/09 (2 6wk treatment)
BCG Maintenance started 4/10