Introducing myself :)
Hello, My husband is 58 yrs old, non smoker, non drinker with no family history of bladder cancer. He works out regularly and I don’t remember the last time he had a cold or flu..it’s been years. Occupationally, he has little exposure to risky chemicals, etc. He has been diagnosed with high grade bladder carcinoma in situ (not invading the muscle layer). He had the TURBT done Oct. 14th, twelve days ago to remove several tumors. He is scheduled to start 6 weekly BCG treatments next Sunday, Oct 31st and then another TURBT in early January. This all began with pelvic pain (no blood in urine) which was initially diagnosed by our family doctor as epidydimitis in March. After a few trips back the doctor, he was referred to a urologist who was confident it was prostatitis. The cyctoscopy then showed the presence of tumors which the urologist said ‘looked benign’. There has been little discussion with his urologist who is currently his only specialist. We were given no reading material, etc. The tumor results after resection were delivered by phone to my husband and not in his office as I was expecting. I understand how busy this fellow might be, but we have not been able to ask any questions. I have consulted Dr. Google in the meantime and watched a very informative video on the UCLA website. We are cautiously optimistic about his potential survival expectations. My husband mentioned to his urologist that he is experiencing back pain and is concerned about other cancer in his ureters and kidneys. My husband asked about a CT scan…the urologist says we’re not going there yet… We think the back pain is likely muscular because of all the time he has spent lying down before and after the TURBT, but are now feeling a bit paranoid. I’m sure this concern could have been alleviated with more interaction with his urologist. I’m also concerned about the pain he still is experiencing 12 days out. He still has discomfort after urinating and can only be mildly active for an hour or two before he needs to take more acetaminophen and lay down with some ice. Does this seem in the realm of normal? If he’s not improved in a couple of days, I’m planning on calling the urologist’s office to see if we can get more guidance.
09/30/2015 1st cystoscopy, multiple tumours.
10/14/2015 1st TURBT
10/20/2015 Cis, high grade
11/1/2015 first BCG, then every week for 6 treatments
01/11/2016 2nd TURBT