Impact of hysterectomy
Hi Everyone,
I’m facing my RC on Jan 18, and I know so many of you have been where I am, but I’m feeling so much of everything – mostly dread. Anyway, I’m so trying to be positive, but finding it getting harder as the day draws near…trying to stay focused on what I need to know and positive…reading everyone’s stories is really helping and so many people here are so supportive.
I am supposed to have a complete hysterectomy and I’m going to my GP soon to get my hormonal blood levels done. I’m reading up on the impacts and know a bit about HRT. As I’m 49 just turned, I have been experiencing night sweats for a few years, and a few perimenopausal symtoms, but nothing severe. I did start to ask you guys a few things about this, but any comments/suggestions are welcome. My mom died of breast cancer at age 69, so I would like to go a more natural route than HRT if I can. I’m also seeing a homeopath soon.
Thanks for your help everyone, and happy new year.
Marie (P.S. I’m in Canada and although our health care system is good, I’m finding if fragmented and even my GP who I like is not a great source of lots of info…)