Ileal Conduit – What to expect after surgery
Hello to all,
it has been a while since I have been on the site or posted anything. During the time away, I went through various testing, pre-surgical chemo treatments and a lot of waiting. After my cysto on Friday, I just found out the chemo helped with the tumor but didn’t help so much with the carcinoma in the muscle or deep tissue of the area that is used for the ” neo” attachment.
I am now scheduled for surgery mid September, I have complete confidence in the Dr., his team and the hospital. During my conversation with the doc he stated that I may not be a candidate for the ” neo” based on the facts above, however nothing is concrete until he is actually inside and can take a closer look and do some more biopsies.
Unfortunately do to some other issues I may not be a candidate for the Indiana Pouch either, which leaves the Ileal Conduit as the potential resolution.I have been reading all I can find on the subject, but would like to get some input, pros & cons and what to look forward to if IC is the way forward when I wake up from surgery. Any help, input, guidance and words of encouragement are gratefully appreciated and beneficial.
Hope to hear from you soon