I-week delay!
Well I was supposed to re-start BCG this past Friday! So I took a 1/2 day vacation Thursday, to get in one more day of Mtn Biking (bicycle-type), in the Mtns!
Went into a 90-deg, down-hill turn a little to fast, my rear tire lost it’s grip and tried to kiss the front-tire, throwing me off & backwards.
I hit the ground head-first & on my R-side. My head hit the ground so hard, both lenses of my sun-glasses popped out! R-arm bleeding like no tomorrow and my R-hip is sore as H—!
Within minutes I had a head-ache I cannot describe! Ended up in the “ER” CT-scan of the head, X-rays of hip, pelvis & femur! Yes, I was wearing a Helmet, ER-Dr said that saved me!
Severe concussion, and now a bruise from my waist to my knee, and latteraly 7 – 9 inches L/R! Walking is yes, painful!
Cannot wait till I heal so I can get back to the Mtn’s on my bike.
BCG restart: next Friday (stand-by)
Life is good! 63-yo, and nothing broken, PTL!
Turbt (May 09)
T1 High grade
Began BCG June 09 (every 3-mo for next 2-yrs)