I don’t know where to put this info so I will put it up here. It is offical we got the results of the pet scan for my husbands lymphoma and they say he is in remission. He gets one more chemo on tues, then in a couple weeks they will redo the muga scan to make sure the chemo didn’t hurt his heart, then he will start being checked out on a regular schedule. He just sat there when I told him, he felt bad that he didn’t act more excited but the poor baby was just to tired. All he can think of is the next chemo and what it does.
Now I can set up my next cysto for the end of June. That will make it 4 months instead of the 3 months I always do. The last one showed a new small tumor they got, but it is not a great time to be late with a scope. There just wasn’t time to do it while he was getting the chemo, I didn’t want to leave him and it is a 3 hour ride one way to the Drs.
I think I am in shock trying to take this in, now if my scope turns out ok I can breath again. And when he is better go HIKING ! and TRAIL RIDING, (sorry I shouted)
He had diffuse large cell b type lymphoma. All the praise goes to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Rocky