Husband w/BC
Hi all,
My name is Deb and my husband (35yrs) was diagnosed with BC on March 17. He went in for what he thought was some urinary/kidney infection and came out with an appointment for an IVP 2 days later. Very scary when the test people and you the film and tell you your Dr. wants to see you in a couple of hours.
Well, the Dr. did a quick peek and advised that it was about the size of his fist. Dr was very surprised as hubby is so young. Surgery was scheduled for April 5 and they took it out and it was the size of a baseball! :o I was put into a little shock when the Dr advised that he immediately ordered a CT Scan (not something that we thought would be done until after the path report).
Thankfully, the CT came back clean with no signs of lymph node enlargement. Long wait for that path report. Came back as a T1 S1 G2-80% G3/4-20% TCC *hope I got all that right. Our Dr. had 5 pathologists look at this and none of them were willing to bet their life or their families life that this was a true T1.
So another procedure was scheduled for April 19. The Dr found a couple of smaller TAs and knocked them off. He advised us of our options if this came back at T1 (surgery or BCG) the decision would be ours.
Well, hubby got his 2nd cath out today and the pathologists are only through about 16 of the 30 slides and so far they are saying it is a T1. Surprised, as we thought it was going to be a sure T2a and we would be scheduling surgery. But, we are waiting for a couple of more days for the final results.
We ar EXTREMELY happy with our Dr., but are considering having the slides looked at by another path lab for a 2nd opinion. There is a cancer hospital in our area, but we are not treating there, as we feel, as well as other Dr.’s feel we have the best.
Thank you all for all the information that I have read for the last month. It has been a lot to digest.
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