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husband diagnosed june 26 2009
Posted by ibpoew on July 29, 2009 at 6:24 amokay after Turb my husband had a stent placed at the opening of the ureter because one of his tumors was blocking it. He has stones on that side also. He is now having the feeling that he is stopped up and taking laxatives daily. He has blood in his urine once again and terrible pain in his back. he will start mytomyicin c sept 3 because of insurance reasons. he was non invasive but aggressive, i think it said tpa1. Can anyone tell me if they had these problems also. He is scheduled to have the stent removed monday august 3.
Joey replied 15 years, 6 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies -
7 Replies
After my initial Turb 19 months ago for the same dx I had a stent placed in due to the location. I also had constipation with blood in the stool. I was concerned enough that I went for colonoscopy which was negative. The constipation could have been caused by the antibiotics. After about two weeks everything returned to normal.
Kidney stones and I supposes stents (if they cause irriation) in the distal ureter (the far end where it attaches to the bladder) can cause intestinal symptoms as well as urinary symptoms. When I’ve had stones I’ve found that more annoying than the flank pain.
TaG3 + CIS 12/2000. TURB + Mitomycin C (No BCG)
Urethral stricture, urethroplasty 10/2009
CIS 11/2010 treated with BCG. CIS 5/2012 treated with BCG/interferon
T1G3 1/2013. Radical Cystectomy 3/5/2013, No invasive cancer. CIS in right ureter.
Incontinent. AUS implant 2/2014. AUS explant 5/2014
PediatricianSherre, The stent in the ureter irritates the bladder and may cause some blood in the urine. When was the tumor removed? It is fairly common for the bladder to shed clots for some time after the TURBT.
If the pain in the back is significant enough to cause your husband to stay home from work he should let the urologist know. If your husband is on pain medications that can cause him to be stuffed up. He may want to ask the Dr. about using a gentle laxative. I hope he is feeling better soon.Julie
Volunteer Coordinator
ABLSCGuestJuly 30, 2009 at 12:24 amWell thats a hopeful pathology report. Here’s a page from the National Cancer Institute on staging and grading which should be helpful. Current thinking amongst top cancer centers is to have a second TURB within 6 weeks of the first TURB. They will frequently re-seed if all margins are not gotten.
Your insurance should be in full effect by that point. I will tell you in my case it saved my life and i was much further progressed than your husband.
I wonder if he’s not experiencing another kidney stone? Also did he have a CT scan and blood work. Thats pretty important also.
I wish you the best and let us know what the uro has to say.
PatThank you very much for posting and we will get a second as soon as we have coverage again. Here is the pathology report: Bladder, transurethral resection: Papillary urothelial cell carcinoma, low grade, noninvasive (pta). Muscularis propria is present with out invasion. 5x3x0.4 cm tumor. At the bottom of the report the Dr wrote Lg Ta TCCa Bladder. We are starting the prune juice tonight he is saying he feels stopped up and he has called off work the rest of the week. This man has never called into to work that I can remember. Anyone out there now anything about this monster?
GuestJuly 29, 2009 at 6:33 pmI now see you are in Oklahoma…here’s a page of 4 uro’s at the cancer hospital at the U of Oklahoma
just click on each one to read their bio’s.
If its possible to get a consult out of state with MD Anderson…they are one of thetops in bladder cancer.
Drs. Dinney, Grossman, Kamat some of the few who are specialists.
PatGuestJuly 29, 2009 at 6:16 pmSherre….don’t know what the pa-1 is? The pathology report should have grade and stage……it looks like you’re saying its T1…but double check that. Don’t know why the blood again but i’d sure let your uro know.
No chemo agents should be given while there is still blood in the urine.
Has he had a CT scan?
Have you been able to get a second opinion and will insurance allow…they should. And its always a good idea to go to a major cancer center or university center that deals with bladder cancer on a regular basis. We can help with that if you’ll tell us where you are.
Not a good idea to take laxatives on a daily basis….your body will start to rely on them. Better to go the prune route and fiber route if you can.
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