Son of 59 year old female diagnosed with T2 TCC last year (her operation was literally a year ago). Partial cystectomy at that time, doctor took lymph nodes . . . they were all clear. My mom has had cystoscopies every 3 months RELIGIOUSLY and NOTHING showed up. Last week she had some leg pain and she went to the ER. The Alk Phosphatase was SUPER HIGH and the bone scan lit up symmetrically all over the place. Bone marrow biopsy showed evidence of TCC, she is scheduled to begin chemo on Tuesday. I am SO SCARED. I am in my last year of medical school and have taken the rest of the year off to care for my mom with the rest of my family. I just need people to talk with and to exchance ideas with. The cruel thing is that I feel SO guilty for not thinking (the worse case) that the lower back and leg pain my mom has been complaining of periodically is metastatic bone disease. She is a female, she has NEVER had a cigarette in her mouth, has had clear cystoscopies for the last year and now this. (SIGH). I just don’t know what to expect. Anyways, thank you for listening.
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