Hi sorry I have been a stranger
Just wanted to say hello really I seem to have been MIA for a while and have struggled to come to terms with my change in status.
I have had some radiotherapy which seems to have been really effective at shrinking the pelvic tumours I had slightly less so the bowel tumour but I am going in for a slow low dose treatment over the weekend which my doctor hopes will get that under control.We have been on holiday and I feel ok in spite of my prognosis.I progressed during chemotherapy at the highest therapeutic dose so there seems little point in going back to that
I am so sad to see that Zachary is having a rough time just now but hope the trial does its job and want to send Susan all my best wishes.Holly is fantastic and has been in touch by email and is such an amazing support.
I am not very good at this really I feel a bit of a fraud because just now I feel ok.Its just hard to admit that there isnt going to be a good ending to this story
Lots of Love to all Lisa x