Home Forums All Categories Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Here we go again …………………

  • Here we go again …………………

    Posted by Maria on August 20, 2008 at 1:47 am

    Hope you are all ok. I have not been able to contribute the site as much as I would like. I knew the rc was going to be hard, but honestly i did dnot expect to encounter the ongoing problems with infections and fatigue.

    I am back in the hosiptal, 3rd admission in just 6 weeks. I have a left kidney infection, I was due to see my surgeon on Monday morning, but had to have ambulance for ER 6am due to pain…………………….. 9 hours later was admited to MD Anderson. Hope to be home by Thursday or Friday.

    I was due to have the foley removed tomorrow! Will mow have to wait till next week. Had the nephrostomy tube capped today as the CT scan shows no evidence of stones. Plan to have the stent removed before I go home.

    So once I get over this episode I will enter a new phase with my neo ……….. can you let me know how you felt after your RC when you had your tubes removed? I am expecting to self cath until things settle down.

    Any support appreciated.

    Many thanks
    Maria xx

    Webs replied 16 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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  • webs's avatar


    August 20, 2008 at 2:27 am


    So sorry to here of your repeat infections. It is hard enough to recover without having to deal with additional health issues. As for training your new neo-bladder it is a one day at a time proposition. At first it might seem like you are not making any progress. Control will come a little bit at a time. There is some great advice on the web cafe also. Just remember to take it slow and easy. At first I would have to use the bathroom every 30 min. I can go almost an hour now. I am 12 weeks out from my operation. I know that some people gain control faster than others and I pray that you are one of them. If you have any questions please let me know.


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