Hello again and good news!
I haven’t been on this site for ages, and I’m really impressed with how it’s all developed.I was a member, and had loads of fantastic support from everyone- in fact I don’t know how I would have managed without it, particularly as I wasn’t coping and was put on Auntie Depressants :D This was in 2001. I can see some familiar names- Pat, Roni and, of course Wendy, amongst others.
I just wanted to say hello and having been for a cysto today, let you know the great news of how I’m getting on, and to tell others how it can be.A short potted history. Aged 55, from Chester UK, diagnosed 2000 with superficial non-invasive bladder TCC, Ta Grade 1 after a year of to-ing & fro-ing to the doctor, and being told it was my age, dryness causing urinary tract infections. TURBT with 7 more of the blighters on following check up. Intravesical Mitomycin. Numerous TURBT and a further course of Mito- treatmentover about 5 years in total. Then moved to 6 month instead of 3 month cystos. Then moved to 12 month cystos. Now have been 2 1/2 years clear- and another clear cysto today. Whoopeedoo!
Mustn’t get complacent, but due to this site giving me valuable info and GREAT support, my urologist, a good diet and plenty of water, feel I could cope with it much better if/when it comes back!
So hi everyone and very best wishes to you all.
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