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  • Health Insurance issues

    Posted by Maria on June 15, 2008 at 9:47 pm

    I have international health insurance and self pay for any out patient and diagnostics. My Insurance company pay for day and in patient procedures.

    To date my insurance company owe me at least $7,500
    This dates back to September 2007 I mailed all my claims in January 2008 with receipts and statements as well as a claim form each health provider has to complete. As well as several prescriptions which I am allowed up to $6,000 per year. There is no script plan, so I end up paying full price!

    Late January I received a letter from my insurance company telling me they could not reimburse any of my claims without an official invoice from the health providers. So I contacted all providers and only one would back date me an invoice, the others have sent duplicate statements and I have one letter. The insurance company said they will review everything when I mail in next week and indicated the papers I am sending may not be acceptable!!!! Gathering all this information has been both time consuming and exhausting …………. like i have nothing better to worry about and do with my time. To complicate matters most health providers offer discount for self pay, but their statements show full cost with no discount so the receipts and statements often don’t match up and the providers say once a payment has been made they can’t change on their computer system aarrgggh!!!

    My husband and I are having a phone conference with the Manager next week and discussing every claim I have sent to them. If still unacceptable I am making a formal complaint………..like I have the time and energy to do this, but I can’t write off this money!

    I now have all invoices for my new batch of claims going in, but for me now for every appointment it means having to hang around an hour or so because I just do not trust people when they say they will mail the papers to me as I never get them which means countless phone calls and weeks of waiting. Its peace of mind to leave with the invoice and receipt in hand.

    Does anyone else have a self pay arrangement with their insurance company?
    If so do yo have similar problems and how do you get around them?

    I would like to change companies but who would insure me now with my dx?

    I am looking for new strategies and tactics to throw at this company, any thoughts would help. Thanks.

    replied 16 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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    June 15, 2008 at 11:54 pm

    I understand the only requirement to work for an Insurance company is the ability to say “NO”….i could be wrong……….
    Maria do you think the patient advocate network could help you sort through some of this idiocy that they are throwing at you?

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