Health and Diet Changes My Experience
My History: My original dx was TA Grade 1 with 2 recurrences. One dose of Mitomycin C after 3rd Turbt and 30 BCG treatments of which the 1st 12 treatments failed. No side effects on those first 12 treatments. A 2nd opinion at major cancer center as recommended by members here at ABLCS. My goals in changing my lifestyle was to lose minimum of 25 pounds, and hopefully be cancer free. Other Changes Since Being Cancer Free: Things I have eliminated include cigs, diet drinks, most dairy products, meat portions no bigger than the palm of my hand, red meat only once a week, fast food, and sweeteners. Things I have added include walnuts daily, fruit daily, acai berry juice daily, fish twice a week, broccoli raw daily, asparagus, 3-4 times week, spinach twice a week, brussel sprouts 2 times a week, and green beans, pop replaced by fruit juice, a beer or two. Supplements Vitamin D, baby aspirin, cranberry capsule, and a multi vitamin. In the winter walk a min of 2 miles 3-4 times per week. Summer is golf and since I walk, I get good amount of exercise and energy release(lol). So What Have I Accomplished Well I am still cancer free, I have lost 26 lbs (187-161) feel better about myself, more energy, and got a new wardrobe(lol) Now I do not know what has kept me cancer free, could have been the 1 dose of mitomycin C, could be BCG, could be diet and health changes, or could be a combination of the above. I am no doc or an expert, and have learned nearly all of my lifestyle changes from fellow warriors. What I do know for sure, if cancer does strike back, and if I ever need a RC, I am in much better shape physically and mentaly to take on that battle. If this post helps just 1 person then I have accomplished another goal. Thanks for reading and good health to all, BCG = Bladder Cancer Gone (Well I think so) Jack
TA Grade 1
3 Turbts
30 BCG Treatments
Cancer Free since Nov 2007