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Have some questions
Posted by bundy13 on June 28, 2018 at 12:10 amHi guys! Hope this is the right place to post this. I have a question, I’m freaking out over here.
Last week I had visible blood in my urine twice, went to the doctor this Monday and she said there was “a log of blood in my urine, you just can’t see it”
I wasn’t freaking out much because I had gone to the ER last year for upper abdominal pain and they did all kinds of tests said there was nothing wrong and sent me on my way.Today I pulled my results from the hospital website just to see for myself and saw something I wish they would have told me. Or maybe is nothing, can you guys help me?
They did urine test and it reads
“blood urine dipstick POC 2+”
Also they did a CT scan that found
“No prostate enlargement. No obstructive uropathy. Nonobstructing 2 mm calculus in the right renal calyx. Exophytic 1 cm left renal cyst. Normal appearance of the adrenal glands and abdominal aorta. No retroperitoneal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.”
So was I bleeding already?
What’s a calculus?
Can a cyst turn into cancer?
Can they confused those two things for cancer?Thank you in advance hope to hear from someone soon.
Alan replied 6 years, 6 months ago 4 Members · 13 Replies -
13 Replies
I had to google, angiomyolipoma. I had never heard of it but, it reads good for you. Good luck and now lead the rest of your life and enjoy! Glad it is good news.
DX 5/6/2008 TAG3 papillary tumor .5 CM in size. 2 TURBS followed by 6 instillations of BCG weekly with a second round of 6 after a 6 week wait.Bundy,
Congrats on a “no cancer found” report.
I am a rather unsure what the doc meant to say about your bladder. “Implacable” is not a term that provides much, if any, meaning. Did the doc offer a clear, meaningful evaluation of your bladder and urinary tract health ?
I trust that the doc described the possible course over time for an angiomyolipoma, and described possible symptoms that might arise. Did the doctor say the angiomyolimpoma is in the bladder or the kidney ?
Along with the earlier hospital results, you need to add the current findings to your medical record, and advise any other doctors you may see of your history.
Again, a diagnosis of “No Cancer” is one we like to hear. It seems that you may have another issue that you will need to follow closely.
6/2015 HG Papillary & CIS
3 Years and 30 BCG/BCG+Inf
Tis CIS comes back.
BC clear as of 5/17 !
RCC found in my one & only kidney 10/17
Begin Chemo; Cisplatin and Gemzar
8/18 begin Chemo# 3
Begin year 4 with cis
2/19 Chemo #4
9/19 NED again :)
1/2020 CIS is back
Tried Keytruda, stopped by side effects
Workin on a new plan for 2021Hi guys, thank you for all your support. I had my cystoscopy. The urologist said my bladder looked “implacable” he quickly reviewed my CT scan and said I had very small (1.6 CM) angiomyolipoma. He said it’s too small to do anything. He said it probably wasn’t what caused the bleeding because when they bleed it’s usually doesn’t show in the urine. So he just told me “you’re fine, we’ll do an ultrasound in 6 months to monitor the angiomyolipoma. It’s too small to do anything about it. We’ll see if it grows in 6 months.” I was so happy I have no cancer I forgot to ask about the bleeding further. I’m guessing it’s the kindey stone that was also found on my CT.
This is an awesome group and I found a lot of info. I’ll stick around as a witness that all bleeding is not cancer hopefully I can help some people put their mind at ease.
You’re right, thank you for answering. It just surprised me that there’s no talk about the bladder under the “kidneys, ureters and bladder” section. I’ll just wait till next week and try not to freak out. B) :)
Since as you know, none of us are doctors, it would be extremely inappropriate for anyone here to try to interpret this. This is the job of your doctor. We are, however, fairly good at interpreting “doctor-speak” after you have discussed this with him.
Sara Anne
Diagnosis 2-08 Small papillary TCC; CIS
BCG; BCG maintenance
Vice-President, American Bladder Cancer Society
Forum ModeratorThanks again for the response! I have been trying to stay off the internet lol
So, I have picked up my CT scan result report from the imaging clinic and it doesn’t mention the bladder at all. That could be a good sing right? There’s some stuff I think I have a small tumor on my kidney but I’m not sure.
Now I know no one here is a doctor but I don’t see mine till next week. If I post the part that talks about what they saw can anyone help me understand it?
Thanks in advance.I wouldn’t speculate on her question. I have learned to my detriment I don’t ask enough questions back. I probably would have been the same so don’t feel bad. The obvious question was why do you ask? Plus, did you see anything? On my own scan the radiologist typed in “no tumors visible or present”. My very thorough URU actually read it also and saw my small tumor so who knows what if anything was seen. Doesn’t make any difference though. The cystoscopy is also part of the diagnosis process. BOTH together are needed.
I also remind you back to Jack’s answer of possibilities on a stone, cyst etc. Sometimes the cause of bleeding are NEVER found! You simply have to wait…and that is no fun. Let’s just hope it is nothing.
DX 5/6/2008 TAG3 papillary tumor .5 CM in size. 2 TURBS followed by 6 instillations of BCG weekly with a second round of 6 after a 6 week wait.Alan, thank you for your response. Honestly you guys do make me feel better. The swollen feet I’ve seen on a couple of websites including this one as a symptom of advanced bladder cancer. But you’re right it can be anything and Google will tell you that you have cancer. I’ll just have to wait.
A cystoscopy hasn’t been done, I’m meeting with my urologist on the 23rd so hopefully he can schedule it that day. Today I had my CT scan, the radiologist came in after and just asked “how long have you had blood in your urine?” I told her a couple weeks ago visible and then on a lab test. She said ok and that was it. I hope it’s nothing but I’m over thinking it maybe? Because why would she ask that? It’s kind of odd unless she saw something right?
Never heard that swollen feet are a symptom of bladder cancer. The internet and TV are a wealth of info and a lot is bogus, false or misleading. Heck, you watch ads on tv for prescription meds and after all of the “potential” side effects I am not sure ANYONE would take ANYTHING. Stick with your professional team….yes they can be off sometimes also that is why I encourage people to listen to their bodies and give them as much information as you can….including swollen feet.
Has a cystoscopy been done? That combined with your scheduled CT scan are the 2 more definitive tests. Until then you know nothing. IF, and only IF those 2 require further follow up, usually a TURB (transurethral resection of the bladder) and will be a minor surgery done as day surgery and only then after a biopsy will you really know what you may face. If the 2 tests show nothing they may do a few others BUT, some never ever find the cause of hematuria.
DX 5/6/2008 TAG3 papillary tumor .5 CM in size. 2 TURBS followed by 6 instillations of BCG weekly with a second round of 6 after a 6 week wait.Thank you so much for your guy’s answers. You’re right, I have to take it one day at a time because the more I look at stuff online the more anxious I get. Now I read that swollen feet are a symptom of advanced bladder cancer and I have been getting them for about 2 months. I’ve never had them before someone that makes me freak out.
I’m going to try and stay positive though, my Dr ordered a urinalysis (not just the dipstick like at the DRs office) and it came negative for red blood cells. That’s a good sign right?
I hope is and I’m trying to hold on to that to stay positive.
Hope everything is well with you guys.Bundy,
Jack has given you a good possibility including a cyst or a stone. There are many other possibilities that are NOT bladder cancer. I am presuming a cystoscope has not been done yet which is the short peek into the bladder. I won’t say it is any fun but, I describe it as uncomfortable more than painful and over in 5-10 minutes. The waiting is no fun however, you simply will not know anything concrete until all the tests are done. Even then a few people NEVER find a reason for passing blood. I personally know 3 people that have gone through that including my wife. Sometimes long distance runners encounter this. The best advice I can give is take one day at a time.
DX 5/6/2008 TAG3 papillary tumor .5 CM in size. 2 TURBS followed by 6 instillations of BCG weekly with a second round of 6 after a 6 week wait.Hi Jack and thank you so much for your response. I didn’t mention to my Dr the results from the hospital because it was April of 2017 and I pulled them till after my appointment. I’m worried because basically now I know I’ve been bleeding for over a year. That’s bad right? Do you think in that long time it could be cancer? And it probably has had time to spread so it freaks me out.
My Dr has referred me to a urologist and has a CT Urogram ordered for me.
All the blood tests he ordered on Monday have come back all normal so that’s always a good thing right?
Hope to hear back or someone’s input here because I can’t help but to worry sick. Thanks in advance.Bundy,
Most important is what your doctor says at your followup visit. Be sure that she has a copy of the hospital scan report.
From your statements, you have had microscopic blood AND visible blood in your urine, since last year. Doctors have apparently not identified a cause. Your current doc needs to see the hospital report and decide if a further work-up is required.
It appears that you may have a kidney stone and a cyst that may or may not need to followed.
No need to freak out, but follow up appointments with your doctor, given the history you stated, is the only way to determine if the blood is a minor or major issue.
6/2015 HG Papillary & CIS
3 Years and 30 BCG/BCG+Inf
Tis CIS comes back.
BC clear as of 5/17 !
RCC found in my one & only kidney 10/17
Begin Chemo; Cisplatin and Gemzar
8/18 begin Chemo# 3
Begin year 4 with cis
2/19 Chemo #4
9/19 NED again :)
1/2020 CIS is back
Tried Keytruda, stopped by side effects
Workin on a new plan for 2021Sign In to reply.
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