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  • Had my TURBT today.

    Posted by doglover on October 19, 2018 at 9:10 am

    I was very fortunate to get an early date for the TURBT. The waiting list at one hospital is two months. I was marked as ASAP, so I when someone canceled for Thursday, I was very thankful. I have been praying for that person because they have pneumonia, but I am also thankful I was able to move ahead.

    God’s hand was in everything working out the details for something that looked like it could not happen with a 3 day notice. My cardiologist would not sign the clearance because I had not done the stress and a leg dopplar test. I had an echo and EKG and they said both were fine and that was all that was required of the cardiologist. I had to get them to send the results to my primary care, and ask him to sign the clearance form. I told them I felt just fine and had just jumped off the treadmill from a run to call them. My primary care was reluctant to sign the clearance which baffled me. The blood work I had done for another issue, all normal, and I was good to go. I finally received the clearance this morning. A friend volunteered the night before to drive and stay with me. She even drove me around to get the prescriptions after the surgery. A friend that works for the Vet volunteered to bring two of my dogs home because I would not arrive before closing. Very thankful. f

    The procedure took about 45 minutes under general anesthesia in the hospital OR. I was told at the time that the cytopathology was run and it was normal. She said only the pathology would tell what it is, and if it was low grade, I would go on a 3 month schedule of cytoscopic check ups. If it was not, I would have my bladder removed. I was shocked when she said that. I thought there were several steps before that was done.
    I was sent home with some pain meds, an antibiotic (one was also given during the procedure), and pyridium and told to have clear liquids. She also told me not to bend over for 2-7 days depending on pain. So far I have taken a quarter of the pain meds. There is pain, but so far it is not too bad. Some blood on urination at first and one tiny clot.
    Someone had said they received a catheter, and I was worried about that, but didn’t need one. I did get one suture in the urethra because of the size of tools and a tear. The suture is internal and they said it should not cause a problem. She said she removed the tumor and a section of bladder. I was given a date for the results in two weeks, but told she would call me if she got them sooner.

    Is two weeks the average for a return on pathology reports??
    Is it best to drink a lot of water to clear the bladder??

    DX 10-19 First TURB Low grade, non invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma pTa. Recurrence 11-19 Second TURB DX Papillary Urothelial Neoplasm of Low Malignant Potential (PUNLMP)
    Second recurrence discovered June 8, 2020 six months later.
    JIMG4 replied 5 years, 10 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • jimg4

    November 15, 2018 at 7:27 pm


    i’m sorry to hear you are going through this. my prayers and thoughts are with you.

    I will tell you that post resection, definitely follow your doctor’s words on resting and not lifting heavy objects etc. REST!!!

    These instructions are very important and necessary to proper healing.

    My pain was high in terms of urinary relief post surgery for two days then tapered off, other than that the pain was not bad at all. I had significant blood clots post surgery and continue with such due to location and size of my tumor. I met with my urologist yesterday, 3 weeks post TURBT …..and I still had scabs small clot and hematuria due to healing the day before (painless).

    But again, rest rest rest!!!
    Please let me know how you make it with everything post surgery.

    thinking of you.


    10/25/18: TURBT
    11/06/18: DX Ta – low grade non-invasive TCC
    07/07/20: Recurrence. TURBT (07/30/20)
    08/13/20 – 09/17/20 gemcitibine chemo intravesical therapy
    12/14/22 – Cystoscopy Recurrence
    01/19/23 – TURBT + Gemcitibine intravesical.
    01/23/23 – DX non muscle invasive high grade
  • Alan

    November 14, 2018 at 10:39 pm


    I won’t say a TURB is almost a non event as there always minimal chances that complications can arise in ANY procedure. Just about everyone with bladder cancer has gone through at least one of these. Most of us are back to routine activity in 1-3 days. Everyone is different on pain threshold and of course how much they find inside poking around. I don’t remember taking any hydrocodone save one dose as I went home. This procedure is even better than doing this laproscopically and recuperation is even faster. Most of us out of the day surgery in a few hours.

    As you go through this journey keep posting. The pathology report will be the next hurdle as you really won’t know much until then. Let’s hope this is nothing and if it is bladder cancer it IS beatable and treatable. You will do fine.

    DX 5/6/2008 TAG3 papillary tumor .5 CM in size. 2 TURBS followed by 6 instillations of BCG weekly with a second round of 6 after a 6 week wait.
  • knifedealer

    November 14, 2018 at 5:18 pm

    Thank you for sharing your TURBT experience JIMG4. My TURBT is scheduled for tomorrow and I’m really unsure what to expect, especially as it relates to pain level/control and my ability to resume normal activities post-op.

    I also fear the procedure itself. For example in your case, a tumor and a section of bladder were removed. I’m astonished (read frightened) to think that all of this tissue can be removed through the resectoscope. The only comforting thought is that if the procedure could be more safely performed through a small incision (laproscopically?) then it would probably be done that way.

    Thanks again and may your recovery be swift.

  • jimg4

    October 25, 2018 at 12:42 am


    glad to hear you had the resection completed!! Best of luck with results and healing!!!


    10/25/18: TURBT
    11/06/18: DX Ta – low grade non-invasive TCC
    07/07/20: Recurrence. TURBT (07/30/20)
    08/13/20 – 09/17/20 gemcitibine chemo intravesical therapy
    12/14/22 – Cystoscopy Recurrence
    01/19/23 – TURBT + Gemcitibine intravesical.
    01/23/23 – DX non muscle invasive high grade
  • Doglover

    October 19, 2018 at 8:35 pm

    She did mention BCG, so perhaps she meant if it was muscle invasive and high grade it would be bladder removal not just if it was high grade. This was said before the procedure and I was nervous but not drugged yet. so I actually asked again after hearing the words bladder removal. My companion was not really familiar with diagnosis, so she said she didn’t remember hearing anything else except that either.
    I thought even with muscle invasive there were some options for chemo or radiation. I think there is a site here for reading the procedures for stages. She said there was a limit to how much she could really see with the naked eye and that pathology would determine the result.

    DX 10-19 First TURB Low grade, non invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma pTa. Recurrence 11-19 Second TURB DX Papillary Urothelial Neoplasm of Low Malignant Potential (PUNLMP)
    Second recurrence discovered June 8, 2020 six months later.
  • Alan

    October 19, 2018 at 12:45 pm

    Yes, drink lots of water. Pathology is anywhere from 3-10 days (business days). One item that is probably just a communication error. You wrote the doc said removal if high grade. That is usually reserved for muscle invasive tumors. High grade that does not invade is usually done with BCG (immunotherapy). Also, if it is read that way a second TURB is usually done to be sure and safe.

    DX 5/6/2008 TAG3 papillary tumor .5 CM in size. 2 TURBS followed by 6 instillations of BCG weekly with a second round of 6 after a 6 week wait.

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