Gut ache better than bladder ache
Called in sick today and at home viewing the forum. Late yesterday I started feeling a bit off kilter and wondered if the ole bladder was acting up. But for what reason?
Not long after dinner I started having waves of cramping. My spouse ate the same foods and he was fine. I was praying it was stomach pains but heck, sometimes I just can’t tell. When I had asked my doctor where my Indy Pouch was exactly located, he indicated it floats around in there and changes positions. And you know how it is…if we have a diversion and there is pain located anywhere close by, we naturally begin to be concerned about the bladder, colon, and kidneys.
Anyway, the waves of cramps continued and I started thinking of Mike and his stories of blockage and then my kidneys began to ache, and my mind started thinking too much. I took a pain pill so I could get to sleep but all that did was mask the problem because it wasn’t too before I was awake again and the pain worsening as time went on. I don’t do pain very well so of course I was wondering if I would need to go see the medical people.
After four hours, I had enough misery and decided to stick my finger down my throat so I could throw up this vile mess that was making me so sick. I figured that way I could rule out the bladder or kidneys. If it was the tummy, then things would improve and if it didn’t make any difference in the pain level, then I knew I would have to go the hospital. After the stomch was empty, the cramps went away and I finally got to sleep. :woohoo: THANK GOODNESS ! I’ve never had food poisoning so not sure if that was it..have a slight fever today so maybe some type of mild flu. Tomorrow back to work. Melodie
Melodie, Indy Pouch, U.W.Medical Center, Seattle, Dr. Paul H. Lange & Jonathan L. Wright