gross hematuria
2 years ago I had a large bladder stone removed twice as all of it wasn’t crushed or removed the first time. Recently, I noticed that after a round of golf, I have gross hematuria. I have also felt like I have something inside making my bladder sore. Sort of the same feeling as when I had a bladder stone. I probably also have BPH as since taking uroxatral my urinating at night has decrease to 1 or at the most 2 times.
I really don’t want an invasive test like a cystoscopy as the first line of defense since afterwards you are sore and its hard to urinate for the first time because of the soreness of the invasive test. Urodine etc. doesn’t really do the trick, yet I know I should rule out bladder cancer even though the bleeding occurs after either a round of golf or a fast run around the track or some physical athletic activity.
I know that its probably out of sequence but I want to try to get a CT scan first and cytology of the urine before any invasive test like a cystoscopy. I’m not sure if I can get the urologist to do these first for most urologists like to have you make multiple visits instead of getting noninvasive tests first. At least a CT scan would tell me if its a bladder stone and the urine cytology would pick up any sluffed of cancer cells.