Grandmother recently diagnosed with stage 4 bladder cancer
Hi, I am new to the forum. My grandmother was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Bladder cancer. She will be starting immunotherapy soon. Was wondering if anyone had some advice? Whether it has to do with medications she should be asking her doctor that could be hand in and with the immunotherapy? Or even other options for treatment.
The only symptom she had over the past few months is more of the urgency to urinate. Other than that she feels good, according to her. She was in and out of doctor’s appointments this whole year between two knee surgeries. AS well as a follow-up appoint or two with a urologist a few months ago (had to do with a bladder life last year) according to the Urologist everything was fine. I believe it was around that time when my grandmother started to feel the urgency. As to why no one detected it, is a whole other story. Aside from having bladder cancer that runs in the family.
Thank you in advance!!