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Going Trough BCG now diagnosed with Colon Cancer
Posted by mollyspal on May 13, 2011 at 8:50 pmI was diagnosed with non-invasive Bladder Cancer in November 2009 had TURB and first round of BCG and have been doing follow ups and maintenance BCG series since then and am scheduled for the next round beginning June 1, 2011. Now, last week after a colonoscopy I have been diagnosed with a malignant lesion in my cecum ( the end of my colon). I have no idea if the two are related or what and no one is telling me if they are. I have not had any recurrence of the Bladder Cancer and they tell me they can do a colectomy and get rid of what is in my colon fairly easily unless they get in there and it has spread to lymph nodes which they won’t know unless they do surgery. I am 57 years old and I feel like they are chopping me up a little piece at a time. I guess I am just feeling sorry for myself and a little scared.
Turbt Dec 2009
BCG every 3 months since Feb 2010mollyspal replied 13 years, 9 months ago 6 Members · 8 Replies8 Replies-
Thanks everyone and Mike I quite agree with you that I had the same thought that every one with bladder cancer should consider a colonoscopy and Pat you mentioning that your friend was 38 when diagnosed with colon cancer. My doctor advised me that anyone who is over 50 is advised to be examined annually and in the same breath told me that a large percentage of his most recent surgeries were on persons under 40 years old. Now, I’m no genuis but there seems to be a large gap there some where. I am 57 and I have a family history of colon polyps so I should have known better.
Turbt Dec 2009
BCG every 3 months since Feb 2010GuestMay 17, 2011 at 10:57 pmthanks for the update Molly. I had a friend of mine who at age 38 was diagnosed with the same thing and had the same surgery. She tried the chemo which lasted for 3 sittings and she quit as she had continuous diarhea but she’s been just fine for the last 8 years. Wishing you a quick recovery.
Well that sucks! You’re certainly not the first to wind up with a different cancer. I would think though that it is better than if it were bladder cancer that had spread. Still sucks though. Sorry to hear it and hope they are able to take care of it with just the colectomy and that they got it soon enough to get rid of it.
It would seem (although I have done no research and haven’t looked for any studies) that bladder cancer folks should probably be sure to get regular colon checks as well.
My reasoning is that if bladder cancer is likley caused by carcinogens being stored for excretion from the body, then both types of excretions would be vulnerable. Again, no studies that I’ve looked at but it just seems logical. Not that medicine is necessarily logical but sometimes things just seem to make sense. Of course, I could be all wrong and often am–just ask my wife…she’ll tell ya! ;)
Best of luck! One thing at a time…
Age 54
10/31/06 dx CIS (TisG3) non-invasive (at 47)
9/19/08 TURB/TUIP dx Invasive T2G3
10/8/08 RC neobladder(at 49)
2/15/13 T4G3N3M1 distant metastases(at 53)
9/2013 finished chemo -cancer free again
1/2014 ct scan results….distant mets
2/2014 ct result…spread to liver, kidneys, and lymph system
My opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of ABLCS or anyone else. I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV.Sorry Pat, I didn’t make myself clear, I was upset. Yes they sent sample off to pathologist (MD Anderson) to be tested. Yes it came back malignant. Yes I had other lesions (polyps) that were not malignant. Yes they told me that this is a slow growing cancer but that they needed to test the lymph nodes surrounding the area to be sure there was no further involvement and they did in fact remove the majority of the lesion during colonoscopy but want to be sure through laproscopic surgery to get into the wall of the colon (cecum) to be sure to get all of the surrounding cells and the surrounding lymph nodes and send them off to the pathologist also to make sure they got all of the cancer cells and that there is no further spread into the lymph nodes. They are not going to do a complete bowel resection, they are just doing a colectomy just removing a small portion of the area where the lesion was located. I am sorry I didn’t make myself very clear. I know this could have been much worse. They say if they do not find any other cancer cells I am free and clear but if they find any in the lymph nodes I will have to have chemo. Thanks for the advise. Mollyspal
Turbt Dec 2009
BCG every 3 months since Feb 2010Herb, you are an inspiration to me.
Mollyspal, hang in there. I had my first colonoscopy in March, after completing my first round of BCG. Everyone told me that lightning wouldn’t strike twice, and for me, it didn’t. It seems incredibly unfair to you.
I pray for all of us. Fight on, soldiers!
Cuss, get mad, whatever it takes to express your feelings and then check out the next step. I am 72 had 3 resections, BCG and Chemo and then RC — also had 30 radiation treatments on my ear, yes ‘ear’ not rear, C-diff twice and somewhere along the road I had first ever attack of diverticulitis that put me in hospital a week. As a priest, I descretly (not really) moaned, got pissed, cussed with all the known words, called my Boss a turkey — then after that I decided it was time to take on next step; I prayed and then started asking what was next in my journey to be cancer free! I have spent major portions of my life dealing with my Dad’s and brother’s cancer — but I refuse to let it get me totally down — it is life — my job is to continue to continue — well, I will remember you when I approach the altar again. Plus there are some good and knowledgible folks on here — so you are not alone — you have every right to feel sorry and get pissed; however, if it is another cancer, you will beat it like you did the bladder cancer.
Age 72 had radical 9/11/10 have conduit everything is fine, grateful to be a cancer survivor. Lost Dad and Brother to Cancer both in their 50’s.GuestMay 14, 2011 at 3:37 ammollyspal…
did a pathologist look at your tumor and say it was a malignant lesion? There are lesions at the cecum that are not malignant…there are lesions that are tuberculosis which i wonder about since you’ve had BCG…and he would know if it was bladder cancer or a new primary or as a result of BCG. They should be giving you better answers. Where are you being treated? You might get a second pathology opinion.
patMollypal, So sorry to read of your diagnoses. Have been through my share of cancers also. I know how down one can feel early on and how the whole thought process can ware you out.
It’s normal for you to be going through a grieving process. But then you have to pick yourself up and start focusing on a plan to get the cancer out of your system. It is a very tough time and you may feel the cancer is consuming you, but you can get through this. There is a large group of people here to support you.
Wishing you the best.
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