Going to MD Anderson Monday, I hope for treatment
Hello all, Susan here. This week I finished my teaching; this weekend I need to get my grading done. I can officially retire after May 15, but I have enough accumulated sick hours (yes, we count it in hours, not days) to get me there.
Monday, a friend and I start our trip to Houston. We have a nice stop planned
along the way, meet her friend in Lafayette, LA, go to lunch and then to her
home overnight leaving only three hours to Houston TU. My tests TU don’t start until 5:30 PM.As some or most of you know, I haven’t been feeling quite as well over the past three weeks or so — cough, relatively minor side pain, “picky” eating (but I’ve maintained my weight). I just hope I am still healthy enough for the chemotherapy
we’d like to try to “reset the clock” on my life expectancy: Ifosfamide (Ifex).
It is known for side effects ranging from the usual hair and blood issues, to mouth sores, to sometimes serious neurological issies (including coma.)I’m a “go for it” kind of person, though, and if I’m eligible, I’d like to try.
I don’t know just how “connected” to the Internet I’ll be in Houston, so I may have to phone a couple of you sometime.
I’m hearing a little thunder right now, so I’ll end here.