Greg I understand your confusion about the vocabulary which is all new to you . And I agree that those of us who have been around while tend to throw these terms around somewhat carelessly . Ed has given you the link to our glossary which may help you quite a bit . Sometimes I think that people are not aware of the wealth of information on our website in places other than the forum . Several of us have spent hours getting this set up in what we feel is a user-friendly fashion .
As for CIS this is short for carcinoma in situ . This term in itself can cause much confusion since the term is also used in other types of cancer where it is considered almost benign. Unfortunately in the case of bladder cancer this is not the case because CIS is where the cancer rather than forming a discrete tumor shows up as something like a rash on the surface of the bladder. First it is impossible to completely remove it during a TURB and second it is always a high-grade form of bladder cancer. Fortunately it is often highly treatable with BCG .
Hope this helps .
Sara Anne
Diagnosis 2-08 Small papillary TCC; CIS
BCG; BCG maintenance
Vice-President, American Bladder Cancer Society
Forum Moderator
Edward J. Kinsella
American Bladder Cancer Society
Board of Directors – Treasurer/Secretary
& Caregiver
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