Home Forums All Categories Non Invasive Bladder Cancer Four plus years still all clear

  • Four plus years still all clear

    Posted by Flamenco. on May 20, 2011 at 5:37 pm

    Hi all old friends and new,

    First a big apology for a long absence – I have been trying to catch up on all the posts I have missed before posting again and thanks to the loan of a super laptop I am now back.
    Well today had my cysto ( a bit out of synch because my uro changed me back from 6 monthly to a 3mth check after Feb check which he wasn·t 100% happy with)and all is well so now back to 6month checks. I am very relieved. Am having to go back and forth to UK often at the moment as my Dad is very ill, so between long periods with no internet access, and my very ancient computer which is having regular tantrums, I have been a bit isolated.( Also a bit reluctant to admit that I had a bit of a lets wait and see afer the Feb cysto so didn·t want to post about it when I knew that was not the right thing to do – just had so many things on my plate I just couldn·t cope with any more problems)Anyway, am glad to be back,missed you all,

    Nix replied 13 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • nix's avatar


    May 21, 2011 at 11:44 am

    Great News……..thank you for sharing,gives all of us hope :laugh:


    Nancy S
    Ta CIS
    dx Ta 11/06
    dx Ta CIS 10/07
  • catherineh's avatar


    May 21, 2011 at 1:41 am

    Wonderful news and glad your uro’s concern at the last check was eased and you were put back on a six-month schedule. Your four-year milestone is encouraging. Sorry about your Dad’s illness. Best wishes to you both…


    Best wishes… Catherine

    TURBT 1/21/10 at age 55
    Dx: T2aN0M0 Primary Bladder Adenocarcinoma
    Partial Cystectomy 2/25/10
    Vanderbilt Medical Center
    Nashville, TN

  • DougG's avatar


    May 20, 2011 at 11:00 pm


    Glad to hear your great news!! Congrats.

    Anita & Doug

    Forum Moderator
  • joey's avatar


    May 20, 2011 at 10:57 pm

    Diane, great news with hitting that milestone. My three year time frame will be June 2 which is my second 6 month follow up. How time flys. Enjoy your summer and I hope your Dad’s health improves


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