• Posted by lhpdogs on March 9, 2010 at 5:46 pm

    My last BCG (and I have two more Wednesdays to go) was very painful, after the first void. It lasted for about six hours – peeing blood and pain for the whole time. If any of you have this problem, what do you take? Should I ask the nurse who does my treatments to get me a prescription for something? Ibuprofen didn’t work last week…. :ohmy:

    Thanks, Lauren

    TaG1 12/05
    3 recurrences
    BCG started 9/09
    replied 14 years, 11 months ago 5 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • 's avatar

    March 18, 2010 at 11:26 pm

    Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) in intravesical instillations is the reference treatment for urothelial carcinoma with a high risk of progression. Compliance with this treatment is altered by its potentially serious locoregional or general side effects. Prevention of these complications requires implementing rules of good practice for the instillations. The undesirable side effects should be recognized early. Their treatment should be rapid and adapted to the patient. The results of the French randomized, placebo-controlled ITB01 study showed that the class II side effects of BCG were significantly reduced by administration of ofloxacin after each instillation of BCG. The number of class III side effects requiring antitubercular treatment was also reduced in the patients in this study who had received ofloxacin.
    Try this one out on your uro.
    And Bill, Jr. I can’t figure out why you’re being so mis-managed……..Pat

  • bill-jr's avatar


    March 18, 2010 at 11:16 pm

    :woohoo: OH, Boy! BCG-treatments. I had 9, and thought I would die after each (PAIN, PAIN & bleeding). Pain was so bad after #9 I was on antibiotics for 5-mo, with n0 relief.

    Dr at UVA told me to not take any more BCG-treatments, that to do so I would only be asking for trouble. However, my new Uro says that at my next 90-day Cysto, he wants to discuss starting BCG again.

    I have had reccurent prostate-PAIn ever since BCG #9. NO more BCG for me!!!!!! :S :woohoo:

    Turbt (May 09)
    T1 High grade
    Began BCG June 09 (every 3-mo for next 2-yrs)
  • 's avatar

    March 16, 2010 at 4:22 am
  • cljjlk's avatar


    March 15, 2010 at 10:55 pm

    My Uro contacted Dr. Lamn when I was having some problems and he recommended 1/3 dose. I had my last two treatments at the level. According to Dr. Lamn, the success rate for lower dose is not compromised. He also recommended that the treatment dose be reduced from 6 to 3. It seems that there no benefit after 3 doses. I’m sure Patricia or someone else has the link to Dr.Lamn site where he talks about it. Somehow I lost the link. Hang in there, the benefits of completing the treatments in my case was well worth it. I finally got a clean biopsy report. :cheer: :cheer: Chuck :cheer:

    dx – Aug 2005
    Five reoccurences (last 12/09 Ta high grade)
    BCG Started 10/09 (2 6wk treatment)
    BCG Maintenance started 4/10
  • lhpdogs's avatar


    March 15, 2010 at 5:13 pm

    The nurse said she’d get the dosage diluted for this week’s treatment – yes!!!! I cannot picture getting on a plane six 7 hours later after peeing out pieces of my bladder all afternoon…hopefully, it will only be half as bad.

    TaG1 12/05
    3 recurrences
    BCG started 9/09
  • lhpdogs's avatar


    March 15, 2010 at 5:12 pm

    The nurse said she’d get the dosage diluted for this week’s treatment – yes!!!! I cannot picture getting on a plane six 7 hours later after peeing out pieces of my bladder all afternoon…hopefully, it will only be half as bad.

    TaG1 12/05
    3 recurrences
    BCG started 9/09
  • 's avatar

    March 10, 2010 at 8:46 pm

    Prosed or pyridium either one helped with the burning. I had terrific spasms, and oxybutynin worked wonder on easing the bladder spasms. 15 down, more to go.

    Good Luck,


  • hox's avatar


    March 10, 2010 at 12:24 am

    From what I have read a lower dosage is often the best approach. Rick

  • 's avatar

    March 9, 2010 at 10:00 pm

    do your symptoms last more than 48 hrs? Maybe BCG induced cystitis….the french have come up with a solution
    you might do just as well on a reduced dosage…see if he’ll go down a l/3.

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