follow-up ct scans
Dr Steinberg gave me scripts for and abdominal and pelvic CT scan , chest X ray and blood work. He wanted me to have these in april which would be 6 months from my RC. Dont most people get scans done at 3 months? Then what is the schedule after that? I did have a CT scan of abdomen 2 weeks ago with oral contrast only to look for fistula (didnt have one)I wish he had just ordered IV contrast too!! (not so much radiation)
so next CT in april will have both Oral and IV contrast.
One more question acout scans Dr S said go ahead and have them all done locally. Did you all go back to major cancer center for scans,Xrays and blood? Im not sure that the local Hosp will be as good?
Now for some good news!!! I am starting to feel alittle better with all the pain and spasm in the pouch!! I have been off Bactrim for 5 days and so far not to bad. Maybe I finally took enough bactrim to kick that pouch irritation(infection).
I am planning a trip to florida leaving next week and coming back April 1st!!! Wish me luck!! not to many good Docs in florida but I could go to miami dr soloway if needed.
I did get all my papers to bring with me and my final diagnosis read pTNM: pTis,NO,MX What does this mean?
the path report also said biobsy: papillary urethelial carcinoma high grad invasive into lamina propria
Tumor type: Urethelial carcinoma in-situ
thanks i know my all my buddies here will know what all this means.
T1/G3-CIS 10-01-2010
10-27-2010-Indiana Pouch