Follow up after blatter surgery
I had two small tumors removed from my blatter stage 0 on March 10. I went back in for follow up three months later. Doctor said she did not think I was healing as fast as I should have. She saw what scar tissue but in the spots where the tumors were it didn’t look like it was healing well and she had a slight concern the tumor might be growing back. She doughted it was a new growth but she took a urine sample to check for cancer cells. I got the results back last week and no cancer cells. However, she said they want to go back inside this July to take a tissue sample for biopsy just to make sure. My question is how common is it for a reaccurance of stage 0 just three months after the tumor was removed? Yes, they shot me up with the chemotherapy drug (I forgot the name) during the first operation. Everything I read about stage 0 is that it is almost always cured. I hate to think it will keep coming back like this all the time. When I was first diagnosed the two doctors told me an examination once a year would be enough based on the type of cancer I had. I am just feeling a little confused by all this. Any insight into this as I have explained would be appreciated.
Thanks… David