First visit to Urologist today and Cystoscopy with TURBIT required.
My first visit with the Urologist was a surprise. I was told she would not be doing a Cystoscopy but that is exactly what she did in a very short time. I liked her immediately, but did not have much time to ask any questions. She did squeeze me today instead of making me wait until Monday.
She showed me the scan as she was doing it and said it was a low grade papillary tumor. She did not feel that it had invaded the wall of the bladder and that it was small (her report said 1 1/2 cm), but the biopsy would tell, but I would require follow up visits.
Her report also said “Benign neoplasm of bladder” and under procedure: Cystoscopy TURBT 2-5 cm –
Notes: ASAP, outpatient, time 1 hour, diagnosis: bladder tumor.I asked about chemo and she indicated that was for something much worse. Sometimes she does an injection of chemo during the TURBIT.
I hope to schedule this procedure asap, and wondered what to expect. I read somewhere on here that there can be leaking after this procedure and that depends might be required. Is this a very painful procedure??
DX 10-19 First TURB Low grade, non invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma pTa. Recurrence 11-19 Second TURB DX Papillary Urothelial Neoplasm of Low Malignant Potential (PUNLMP)
Second recurrence discovered June 8, 2020 six months later.