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First Chemo Was On 2/16
Posted by Mike on February 22, 2007 at 2:40 pmWell I had my first chemo ( official member of Chemo club rather it be the Yacht club but what can you do !!! ) and all went fairly well. The first treatment of each cycle is about 4 hrs. I recieved 1000mgs of Gemzar and 150 mgs of Cisplatin. The Gemzar is a straight up dose but the Cistplatin is based on your body mass index so the regular dose is 70mgs and my (BMI) is 2.5 such the 150mgs of Cisplatin, sorry all I just was always a math freak and asked how they calculated the dose. Remember ask questions lol. Anyway could not have been more comfortable a very nice nurse, flat screen tv with dvd for movies, snacks, soda etc. Also a very comfortable recliner wow. The first 2 days I did not feel too bad and then the worst I felt a couple of days was lethargic and a tad nauseous but that was bearable. So back tomorrow 1/23 just for the Gemzar this time. That stuff is funky I asked the nusre why the burning sensation she cut it back some so that also was bearable. Dang I felt like they were shooting tabasco sauce in me. Well just an update hanging tuff and the best to all that stop by. Regards, Joe
Mike replied 17 years, 8 months ago 8 Members · 16 Replies -
16 Replies
Thanks Wendy I have been fighting, and trying my best but I would be a liar if I were to say I never worry. That is so nice to hear about that woman you know makes my battle and fighting feel a whole lot better. And I am sure your friend is very happy also. I am so very pleased I chose Penn as I told you I really trust Dr. Wein and his team and all the folks there are so super nice to me. Thank you so much for this info it was much appreciated and I wish you and your family the best. Thanks, Joe :)
Hi Joe,
I wanted to tell you about a woman I’ve known for 8 years now, she was/is also a patient of Malkowich and Weiss, your team at UPenn, she had a T4 tumor and lymph nodes involved. She got MVAC and an ileal conduit, and is still cancer free. Many people who have pre-op chemo end up having cancer free cystectomy-specimens.
I’m glad you only have 5 more weeks, you’re almost there, or halfway there and are holding up very well under the circumstances. We know how hard it is.
Wishing you well,
Wendy -
Well Dixie I am very glad to hear all has been going well with you its been awhile.. Nothing is guaranteed with this disease as I had never been allergic to any drugs and then to be allergic to a chemo drug. I had 2 rounds and day 15 I had the reaction ( bummer ). So the only good thing to come of that since I was going to get the Cisplatin and then week 4 off they counted it as a cycle. Then they switched me to the High Intenstity MVAC http://www.chemocare.com/bio/list_by_acronym.asp?acronym=MVAC. The plan is this Week 1
Wednesday- Methtexate Thursday-Vis-Adria-Cis Friday- Neulasta Shot http://www.drugs.com/neulasta.html. Week 2 off. Week 3 repeat Week 1. I will be getting 2 cycles of this chemo plan. This week will be my third treatment and next week off then repeat. I am positive when the chemo treatmnet is over there will definitely be more tests to come to check on the results of the chemo. But that is still a ways off as of yet I have 5 more weeks of chemo left. Because this was the purpose of the pre-op chemo. No matter how much of a fighter I am and trying to focus positive I would be a liar if I said I am not worrying. And you be right the time between the chemo and the surgery would definitely be playing on my mind. But from being dx 1/6 I have come down a long road and getting closer to the final stage of what has to be done and that is the surgery. I know this is an intense surgery and hoping the neobladder is still a go which it should be and keep on fighting, praying, and try to stay focused as positive as I can.These last two months have seem liked eternity with all the tests and then worrying about the results which I was lucky so far. Then the chemo and the setback for a week with the allergic reaction and then the batlle continues and Dr. Vaughn reloads with a new plan which he said is equally as good as the Gemzar-Cisplatin. So after being dx on 1/6 I have come along way and with each sunrise I look at it like this it is one more day trying to battle off this beast. I am very pleased so far with Dr. Wein and his team at the Univ of Penna. As I feel they have covered all the bases so far and I am very content to be in the hands of their care. I will update as I get more info on what will be taking place here. Thanks, Joe
Dr.Wein—————-Uro/Oncologist Head of Team
Dr. Malkovichz——-Specialist in Bladder Reconstrution
Dr. Vaughn————Oncologist -
I had a invasive tumor also but mine went through the wall of my bladder. I had chemo before surgery too. What they did when I was half way through my rounds of chemo was a MRI of my pelvis and abdomen to see if my tumor was shrinking with that type of chemo. I had to do MRI’s because I am allergic to the CAT Scan dye. I think they did the MRI’s after 1 1/2 rounds which equals once a week on Fridays for three weeks and then one week off. Then for two more weeks on Fridays with a total of 5 treatments with Gemzar and Cisplatin. My tumor had responded it was 4cm when starting I think the first MRI showed it shrunk not even 1cm which I thought was not that good but it was. After I finished up my chemo which I took for 3 months I did another MRI which showed it was smaller then 2cm(thank God). There was a little mix up with my Dr. at Sloan Kettering who was prescribing the chemo cocktail and my local oncologist who was administering it to me. He was suppose to give me the chemo for 1 more month so by the time I had a appiontment with my Dr. at Sloan a whole month had past. So I had to do chemo for 1 more month. He was hoping since I responded to the chemo so well that the tumor would disappear completely. I was not so lucky. It had disappeared inside my bladder but was still outside going into my ueturus.
They gave me some time to get strong before my operation. Also, they let me pick the date. But they said I should try to do the operation within 1-3 months after chemo. I was really scared to have the operation, I almost decided not to do it. I really didn’t want to lose my bladder and there was no guarantees that I was going to get my neobladder until they went in and biopsied my urethra to make sure that there was no cancer on it. I would not know until after I came out of surgery. If they found any I would of had to had a stoma where I would have to cath myself every four hours. I know there were no guarantees that the neobladder was going to work 100% either but I wanted to try it. My logic was I would have a 70-80% of not cathing myself with a neobladder vs. a 100% chance of cathing with a stoma. My oncologist said I had to have the operation and my surgeon said if I wanted to I could just watch the tumor but he would recommend me to have it taken out. My question was could it of been scare tissue left from the tumor which could of been but highly unlikely. Thank God I decided to have the surgery because it was still the cancer. I think the time between chemo and the surgery was one of the worst time through this whole journey emotionally,dealing with I really had to lose my bladder if I really wanted to live and what kind of urinary diversion was I going to come out with.
I did go to therapy which helped me cope with it. My therapist was a breast cancer survivor which was good because she knew all the fears i was feeling. I also did a lot of praying and a lot of other people did also. It was weird but I developed this peace or calmness in my heart a few weeks before surgery and I was ready.
I hoped this helped you out.
Dixie -
Karen yes Gemzar is a funky drug but I will never know about the blood transfusions cause it turned out I had an allergic reaction day 15 of the chemo so they changed my chemo plan to MVAC. And Wendy so far so good with the veins. The nurse there Andrea I’ll tell you she is really good she has never missed once putting heplock in. And if all goes well this is my final week recieving the MVAC and exactly where I go from there I am not sure yet, I will be asking some more questions this week to get an idea. And having an invassive tumor I have tried my best to educate myself the best I can, and every Dr. up at Penna. I am always asking questions about this or that cause I really want to understand everything they are telling me. Best Wishes, Joe
Hi Joe,
You’re right that ports can bring infection, but i have known many people who’ve had chemo and wished they had ports because their veins get wrecked. I also know many women with breast cancer who get long term chemo and have ports, no problems.
Just a thought, and it’s not for everyone. And don’t worry about not understanding some terminology! You are new at this game, but learning fast Joe.
take good care,
Wendy -
Wendy the way they have this set up to check blood levels and this is the great part is they just prick my finger to get sample and that’s it. I am just praying they hold up each week so I can get this over with. Thanks Wendy, Joe
Wendy I have to apologize to you when you mentioned the port-a-cath. My wife who is an lpn was with me and also told me what you meant here. Yes they do the finger prick to test levels but she told me you were also referring to the heplock they put in to inject the drugs thru the IV. Dr Vaughn did mention this and of course I did not remember but she did. His reply she said that with the port-a-cath that he has seen more infections from this so therefore does not like to do this. Honestly I was really just listenting to what they were going to be putting in me. I should of asked my wife first b4 I made reply because I read your replies and you have great knowledge of this disease and usually hit the nail on the head with peoples questions. Thanks Wendy, Joe :)
Zachary that is a great blog and very well done hats off to you and I see many similarities between the things you went thru and me even though I just got done Week2. Anyone that hasn’t should check out Zach”s blog excellent job and he has a great sense of humor. Now Sandra thank you so much for those very kind words and they have all kinds of snacks there so now I am requesting some nachos lol. And being among all you here at the Cafe keeps me shining brighter also. Best Wishes, Joe
Hi Joe:
Just wanted to say Hi and that reading your posts always brightens my day….I love the “tabasco sauce” line….thought maybe you should have had a plate of nachos to go along with it…LOL. Here’s to your great attitude. Keep us updated…lots of prayers coming your way….Take care,
“Grandmothers are just antique little girls….”Joe,
I just wanted to check in with you and say “hang in there”. In my opinion, you are doing great!!
Your BC buddy,
Age – 55
T1 G3 – Tumor free 2 yrs 3 months
Dx January 2006Hello Joe,
I finished the same chemo just a bit ago–you might want to read my blog:
You’re going to get through this fine–it’s a nuisance, but a necessary nuisance.
Incidentally, yesterday was my first surgery follow-up meeting with Dr. Stein at USC. My RC was June 23, 2006, and I was T3aN1M0. He told me that, in his experience, patients who lose their hair during chemo generally do better. So don’t feel bad when it happens to you…. :)
“Standing on my Head”––my chemo journal
T3a Grade 4 N+M0
RC at USC/Norris June 23, 2006 by Dr. John SteinWendy the way they have this set up to check blood levels and this is the great part is they just prick my finger to get sample and that’s it. I am just praying they hold up each week so I can get this over with. Thanks Wendy, Joe
Hi Joe,
Why don’t you ask about getting a port-a-cath installed for the duration of chemo? It saves the veins and is a lot less painful when getting blood drawn and chemo treatments. It’s a day surgery, done under that twighlight drug.
Wishing you all the best with your following treatments.
WendyKaren my Dr. who is Dr. Wein and his colleague Dr. Malkovichz who does the neobladders and also wanted my treatment done through this course never mentioned this and being the suberb Dr. that he is I know he definitely would of mentioned this because this is how much faith I have with this team at the Univ of Penna. Also Dr. Vaughn who is in charge of my chemo also would of mentioned this. Honestly they never leave out one detail of what they are doing. I do like the part I will be done before I know it, and thank you very much for your reply and concern. Best Wishes, Joe ;)
Hi Joe!
I just wanted to say Hang In There! My Dad who is 73 just finished this regimen after his Neobladder surgery last July. I told him it would be over before he knew it and it is! Gemzar is funky and my Dad needed blood transfusions in each month. I read this is common. I hope you don’t need them, but don’t be surprised if they mention this. My Dad is feeling back to normal, regaining his strength and just remember, before you know it You’ll Be Done! :)
Take Care!
Karen E.Sign In to reply.