Finding a good surgeon
This may be helpful for some in search of an accomplished doctor in the field. I was told about 6 weeks ago that the treatments, mainly BCG, for my bladder cancer did not work and that the treatment would now be the removal of my bladder, prostate, and associated lymph nodes. Since that revelation I have been on a search for the doctor to do the procedure. I started in my home town and found a doctor that seemed knowledgable on the removal and had done about 12 in a year. Not knowing any better that seemed to be somewhat okay. He also told me a female associate would do the construction of the neo-bladder and I had not talked to her. In the mean time I had an appointment to the Cancer Treatment Center of America thinking they might have some new treatment where I did not have to have the bladder removed. It was in Chicago and it turned out to be a dead end. They confirmed the bladder removal as a treatment and they did not have a doctor that did the type of surgery. I cut my planned visit short and came back home disappointed. The next step was to find a well known facility known for cancer treatment and specifically bladder cancer that might be somewhat nearby. I was recommended John’s Hopkins and MD Anderson. Since I am in Louisiana and only about 4 hours away from MD Anderson I set up and appointment with them. By the way I was told that I had several weeks to decide what doctor and what procedure so time was not an issue. I went to MD Anderson and it was night and day from any other place that I went. The first days visit was the usual gathering of information, but also on the first day I met with one of 3 doctors that was recommended to me from this forum, Dr Kamat. I was very impressed with his knowledge of the desease, methods of treatment, and post surgery complications. He spent a long time with me going over everything. He also told me that he has done about 250 of the neo-bladder surgeries this year alone. He had with him an associate doctor that has worked with him for the past couple of months learning the techniques from Dr. Kamat so that he could go back to his town be proficient at the procedure there. Both of them gave me a great deal of confidence that this cancer can be dealt with and that life will go on with a good bit of normalcy. They made me aware that there could be complications that are not seen yet and I could come away with a pouch. They don’t think so but its a possibility.
Finding a doctor like that within about 250 miles of home is a big plus. The doctor I chose is Dr. Kamat with MD Anderson. My surgery is scheduled for August 24 with a pre-surgery cystiscope on August 11. Dr. Kamat doesn’t want to just trust the x-rays and CT scans, he wants to see for himself what he is dealing with. Another thing that impressed me about him. So I have a good deal of confidence going into this at this point. Don’t think there still won’t be apprehension but that is just part of the beast. The best thing I have found is to educate yourself on the cancer, the treatment, the complications, and find a good experienced doctor. Explore this site and read about the different treatment options and the experiences people are describing here for you. Also participate if possible in the Sunday chat. It helps to talk one on one with people like yourself dealing with all of this. This site helped me tremendously and I am forever in all of your debt for helping me deal with this.
Thank you all.I now have a plan and am ready to proceed.