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  • feeling nervous

    Posted by cas1966 on April 6, 2010 at 9:56 pm

    it has been awhile since i have posted. my dad’s last check up in october was all clear, two years clear (he was t1 g2-3). i suffer from anxiety and depression and worry constantly so i am not often on here, my imagination tends to run away and i think all kinds of things. anyhow, my dad’s six month check up is coming up soon, of course i am stressed about it. he has not had any problems with the exception of an unrelated cyst that has given him epididymytis on two occasions. the doctor is going to remove the cyst next week. having to go back to the hospital for an outpatient procedure brings back all the memories from his previous surgeries. (in my previous posts i talked about the problems he had with stents) he is now at six month check ups, i have not thought about this for six months, (well yes i have but in a good way, knowing the tumor he had was over two years ago) so i guess i just wanted to write. i wish i could be like my dad, he does not worry because he knows that everything was caught in time and he had things under control. thank you out there for anybody reading this.

    cas1966 replied 14 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • cas1966's avatar


    April 6, 2010 at 11:53 pm

    hi pat,

    my dad had the first bout of epididymytis about 10 days after his cysto in october. he went to the er, they ran blood work (showed elevated wbc, infection) and did an ultrasound. my dad followed up with his urologist who did not or would not admit that the cysto could have introduced bacteria. he took antibiotics but had another bout in february. he saw his doctor again who examined him and diagnosed the cyst. he gave him antobiotics and he had a followup ultrasound. my dad has decided to remove the cyst to prevent any future problems. (he also is diabetic which does not help with infections) i did some research, i guess like women can have ovarian cysts men can have their cysts. i will look at the link you listed. thanks for your post, it helps someone as anxious as me to talk.

  • 's avatar

    April 6, 2010 at 11:20 pm

    the most common cause of epididymitis in older men is coliform organisms that cause the bacteriuria. Postoperative epididymitis (TURP) occurs less commonly today than in the past.
    Whats the cause..from the TURP..ihope not…any idea?

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