After four hours of research today I could not find much research on BLC and sexual dysfunction. I did find some information on dyspareunia. Please add any information I might have missed.
Dyspareunia – Pain in the vagina, clitoris, or labia. The pain is often described as sharp and burning.
Things that may help:
Relaxation techniques
Vaginal dialators
Abundent foreplay
Try different positions, some women find being on top provides better control leading to more comfort.
Use a water soluble lubricant such as KY or Astroglide.
Talk to your doctor to see if any of your medications may be contributing to vaginal dryness. Discuss vaginal estrogen products with your doctor to see if they are right for you. Continue to pursue options with your doctor if these things do not work for you.Do not use vaseline or other oil based products and do not douche these may intensify the issue.
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