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    October 15, 2009 at 4:01 am

    I don’t understand this article. All had muscle invasive bladder cancer. Are they saying that Tarceva (brand name) actually got rid of some of the muscle invasive cancer? Yet they say chances for survival are better when it is organ confined but still offer cystectomy? I’m confused.
    OK…here’s one for you that you’ve probably heard. But my second TURB done at big famous place by big famous surgeon actually got my T2a tumor all out..margins and all and technically i was also cancer free at that time..all cytologies showed that. And yet i was still advised to get the cystectomy as the surgeon was quite sure it would indeed be back. The biopsy on my bladder after surgery showed NO cancer. So if a superb surgeon is capable of getting it all and no indication of spread why do a drug?
    Now i would do a drug like this if it had already spread. It either works or it doesn’t like most of them. Its mainly used for small cell lung cancer and pancreatic cancer and i think colon cancer right now.
    Anyone else confused?
    :huh: :unsure: Pat

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