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  • Do what we have to

    Posted by seabay51 on September 13, 2006 at 7:22 pm

    Hi all,
    I first want to say thanks to all who have responded to my post on Bad Feelings. Since that post I have spoke to two other people here in Eugene, OR that have had the Neo Bladder and they have pretty much put my nervousness to rest, not completely but enough for me to stop panicking and think clearly.
    In the time that has passed since this began I have had to have a catheter twice. Once was an emergency and it was inserted while I was awake and no numbing or drugs. To say the least it was the most unpleasant experience I have endured yet. Someone on this site wrote that one way to help over come the amount of leaking during the night was to catheter yourself each night before going to bed. Just the thought of doing that to myself has been one of my biggest concerns. But I have learned that the self catheter is not the same size as the one used on me twice already.
    The past two days the amount of pain I am having in my bladder and the, what seems to be the blocking up of flow of urine has driven me back to the doctors today. They to have touched on the fact that I may have to catheter myself between now and my surgery next Friday, only to make sure I am emptying out the bladder.
    I have decided to go ahead with the Neo Bladder as in the long run I am now convinced that it will be for the best. It’s just the time between post surgery and getting some kind of control back that concerns me. But I am confident now that with determination and support from others like everyone here things will work out.
    As for my surgeons, I have been doing some inquiries and I have been told that the one is the top surgeon here for doing Neo Bladders and between the two I could not have a better team working on me.

    timb replied 18 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • timb

    September 13, 2006 at 8:12 pm

    from your posts, steve, that sounds like the right choice to me. these surgeries have come a long way.

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