Different colored urine
I was having pain in my abdomen couple of weeks ago and when I peed the urine was dark. Anyone that has had bladder cancer ,(ta grade 2 in 2006 with a couple recurs) well their heart skips a beat when the urine changes colors. Not bright red but not normal looking either really dark , so I started drinking even more water and it got lighter in a couple of days.
I get my next cysto done on Oct 13 so I figured maybe I was in for another round of bc. Fast forward a week and the pain got worse and the pee got darker . The pain was intense so I had to go to the er. Long story short, I had a stone blocking my bile duct. Surgery here I come. They took out the stone did a sphincter of odi release ( opened up the bile duct, had this done before ) and the pain and dark pee is gone.
Sometimes a horse is just a horse and not a zebra ! Hopefully on the 13th the bladder will look good. I guess as bladder cancer people we will always catch our breath when we pee and it is different looking than normal. I am also a backpacker and used to pushing to stay hydrated and one way to tell you are dehydrated is dark pee . But not this time.
So the moral of the story is if the pee turns colors get it checked but don’t have a panic attack it might be a horse and not the zebra!