Desparate for some input
I had Proton Radiation 7 years ago for prostate Cancer at MD Anderson in Houston
I live in Arizona and about 5 years ago Banner MD Anderson opened here and close to home and so I have had my follow up care here. My PSA has been doing so great that I have been on 6 month visits for last 2 yrs .06 PSA
Three weeks ago I started to pass blood in urine and had difficulty voiding and some discomfort
and with a little nagging from my wife I started drinking a lot. I went to my 6 month visit which was already scheduled and had urinalysis and usual ton of blood work and the doctor put me on 5 days of antibiotic and sent urine for culture. My labs were all normal and PSA was .06 The 5 days passed and bleeding about stopped and I got call from nurse saying urine urine culture was negative and I was back to see the Urologist Oncologist 2 days later who did and exam and ordered CT Scans of abdomen and pelvis and I had those done the next day and that afternoon got a call from urologists saying I had a tumor in my bladder to large for the cystoscopy he was planning and now I am scheduled for TUR in 3 days.
I know he can’t Stage or Grade the tumor till biopsy is complete but looks like it has invaded the bladder muscle and removing the bladder is a given. I can not have radiation because of the Proton Radiation I had to the Prostate Cancer so I will need Chemo
I am 80 yrs old and very healthy and active and enjoy travelling, driving and cruising. Recently had full cardiac work up and excellent results, had upper and lower GI studies and all good
CT Scan doesn’t show cancer any place else–we hope but know lymp glands need biopsied
So my questions are
1. Any experience with chemo before or after bladder was removed?
2. Side effects of chemo and how often daily or weekly
3.What option worked the best
4.Any thoughts or question or thing I should ask or read?
Appreciate any and all input, Thanks