Hi everyone, This is the first time I posted in this section. I feed the deer in the winter and decided to see if I could teach them to come when I called them. (you can call your kids ,dogs spouses ect..) Guess what you can ! My driveway is a mile long so for 50 yards I dump the corn. When I get out of the car I call here deer , here deer, and then dump the corn. After awhile as soon as they hear me call here they come running. My next experiment was to see if they would let me stand with them while they ate. I held real still but this seemed to make them very nervous, then I relized this is the way a preditor acts. So I started ignoreing them and rubbing my leg or arm. Just causually looking around and bingo !! It worked. What a blast! It is better then any seditive out there for chilling you out.
When my husband ended up with lymphoma I was so busy I couldn’t take time to hang around ,just dump corn and go. Well after 5 weeks I started to call again and here they came. I usually stop feeding when the snow melts but it was such a stress buster I did it alittle longer, but then stopped. I give them all names and about two and ahalf weeks ago Suzzy Friend had the first fawn ! I got to see it in the woods right after it first stood up. Well last night I saw Suzzy with the baby (Frosty) so I got some corn and called. Suzzy and eight other deer came. She left her fawn in the edge of the woods , Suzzy also refused to share the corn and chased everyone else away. ( She was always mean before) I am going to see if my daughter can show me how to post pictures if you guys would like to see them . I will talk to you all later ,it is good to have alittle time to get back on the site. I have been so busy taking care of my hubby , 2 more chemos to go. And I have to set up my next scope it is due now. Love to all from Rocky