Dad Daignosed with BC
Two Weeks Ago:
My dad had blood in his urine for a few months and finally went to the ER after not being able to pass some blood clots. Four days irrigation, he had surgery. The surgery removed the 5 cm tumor he had attached to the wall of his bladder. The doctor told us he took a biopsy and would get back to us ASAP w/ the results.
2 weeks later and found out that he does have cancer on the wall of his bladder and is invasive. The doctor said he would like to do the neobladder, and didn’t mention chemo.The doctor gave him up to 3 months to schedule the surgery.
He was supposed to go back 3.18.09 and decided to cancel his surgery and try to radically change his lifestyle and eat better and try to treat the cause of the cancer. Even though his efforts are positive, it is not going to cure the cancer that is already in his bladder. I am trying to educate myself on bladder cancer and the neobladder, so I can show my dad how important it is to have this surgery. (I am working on obtaining his file, to find out exactly what stage etc. the cancer is)
The next thing is he doens’t have insurance, but he is a vet, so he could be treated by the VA and head of Urology at UC (University of Cincinnati). I believe Dr. Bell would be his surgen (I have yet to do research on him).
My first problem is informing my dad how important it is to have the surgery and him agreeing to it. The second is, finding a surgeon who we can trust and with the VA I think Dr. Bell is the only option he has.
I am just seeking solid cases of men who have had the neobladder, so my dad can see that the surgery it what he needs. I am so scared that if he doesn’t have the surgery, the cancer will spread and then he has no options. I know that he might be in a state of denial about the cancer, but I am running out of options on how to convince him he needs this surgery.
I am only 24 and my dad is only 57, we have a full life ahead of us and I want my dad to fight this awful disease.