Hi Guys, Well my computer went down again and I just got it back. Hopefully for good.
I had my cysto last week and got an all clear. I don,t have to go back to be checked for a year. My other uro wanted me to do the bcg stuff for several years but I went to John Hopkins and stayed there, and they have me doing a wait and watch. I was diagnosed I think 2 years ago ( I know I should remember this stuff) with ta grade two. I had five tumors taken out, a year later they took out a small neoplasm. since then I have been checked every six months. I know alot of people would probaly have a heart attack with not having the bcg but I really had a bad feeling about getting it. I was willing to do what I needed to do but then J.H. said they didn,t think I needed it. That was fine by me. They told me to come back sooner if I felt I needed to.
Now if my husband gets an all clear in Oct (from the lymphoma) we will be on the same track. love to all from Rocky