• Posted by sandrak on May 31, 2008 at 2:47 pm

    Hi, I am new here but have read alot of the posts and have learned alot. I am concerned about my 70yr. old mother-in-law. It all really started last year when she got a UTI that she had a very hard time with. Fast forward to just a few weeks ago. She started having blood in her urine. It was alot with clots. She has been having visible bleeding on and off for the last couple of weeks. She also feels she has to go to the bathroom all the time, and is tired all the time. Also, she has alot of pressure in her lower abdomen. She went to the doctor who ran a UTI test and it came back negative. He sent her to an Urologist who did a complete blood workup. On June 3, she is scheduled for a CT scan, then on the June 10 a cystoscopy. She won’t get the results from all her tests until June 17 when she goes back. At her age, is cancer more of a reality than something like bladder stones? Thanks.

    sandrak replied 16 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 28 Replies
  • 28 Replies
  • Sandrak's avatar


    June 14, 2008 at 1:10 pm

    You know, I thought the same thing when she told me this is where she went. I hope they know what they are doing, but I am a little concerned about the situation. I think she should go for a second opinion. I will suggest this to her the next time I talk with her. Thanks.

  • 's avatar

    June 13, 2008 at 6:04 pm

    Had to laugh…their page only includes Prostate problems and cancers, erectile dysfunction….kind of a clue as to where their particular exertise is??
    If you’re close to UNC or Wake Forest thats where i’d take my CT scan and slides for a second opinion Pat

  • Sandrak's avatar


    June 13, 2008 at 8:38 am

    Wow. That is alot of reasons for the blood. Thanks for the info. The doctor did say that she could have a tumor so small that he can’t see it yet. If this is the case, how fast do these things grow? She goes back in 3 months. Yesterday she did tell me that if she has anymore bleeding she will go back to her regular doctor sooner.
    Just for the info. This is the urologist she went to. http://www.carolinaurology.com
    She really liked them, but maybe she should get a second opinion.

  • 's avatar

    June 11, 2008 at 6:45 pm

    hmmmmm……..well my thought is to get another opinion and another uro. The blood is coming from somewhere…here’s 251 reasons for blood in the urine….
    Maybe someone can narrow it down?

  • Sandrak's avatar


    June 11, 2008 at 7:31 am

    Yesterday she had the cystoscopy. The doctor did give her the results from the CT scan and the cystoscopy. They said everything looked good and normal, and they weren’t sure where the bleeding was coming from. They told her maybe it was a blood vessel bursting. Would this happen numerous times? They also said there is a possibility there is a small tumor that they couldn’t see. Does all this seem right?
    She is to go back in 3 months for another cystoscopy.

  • Sandrak's avatar


    June 10, 2008 at 2:23 pm

    I talked with my MIL a little while ago and she is very upbeat. She seriously thinks there is nothing wrong with her. She thinks maybe she has bladder stones, which is possible I guess. But her appoinment is in 4 hours, so please say a prayer for her. I will update when I hear something.

  • Sandrak's avatar


    June 10, 2008 at 9:10 am

    My MIL goes to have the cystoscopy today. If for some reason they give her any results of her tests, I will post them here. Thanks for all your support.

  • 's avatar

    June 9, 2008 at 4:28 pm

    Sandra…don’t let lack of symptoms or feeling great deter her from getting that cystoscopy. I never had any pain of any kind and mine was already invasive by the time I was examined. The doctor if he’s any good at all should be able to see any visible tumors at the time of cystoscopy and should be able to tell her on the spot what he sees. The illusive CIS tumors are flat..they can hide…sometimes are not detected by the naked eye as we don’t use the Hexvix light here in the US except at one place which is using it in trial.

  • Sandrak's avatar


    June 9, 2008 at 1:23 pm

    Thank you Joe. I am just worried and all this waiting is stressful. I have got to learn to be more patient!

  • 's avatar

    June 9, 2008 at 11:30 am

    Well sandrak as I said I think they should of done the cystoscopy first but now the tests are being done so it’s hard waiting but that’s what you have to do. So until then focus positive and keep your mind busy and when you get the results the you will have an idea of where you stand. Joe ;)

  • Sandrak's avatar


    June 9, 2008 at 10:49 am

    I just remembered something that has been happening with my MIL. Every once in a while when she moves a certain way or sometimes sneezes she gets a muscle spasm in her pelvic area. Could this be related to BC? Thanks again.

  • Sandrak's avatar


    June 9, 2008 at 9:24 am

    I have a couple of questions about my MIL symptoms. I don’t know if she has bladder cancer yet. Haven’t gotten results from CT scan. Her symptoms come and go. For the last few days she has felt great. No visible blood and she hasn’t complained about any pains or pressure. If she has BC, would she be having some symptoms everyday, or would they come and go? She keeps saying since she hasn’t had any symptoms for the last few days that she thinks what ever was going on with her is now gone. Tomorrow she goes in for the cystoscopy. I know she won’t find out the results from that at that time. I just hope that if something is found her doctors won’t wait until next week to let her know.
    I am sorry for all the questions and I thank you all for being patient with me. This is all new and confusing for us.

  • Sandrak's avatar


    June 3, 2008 at 8:11 pm

    [quote author=Patricia link=topic=2371.msg17458#msg17458 date=1212519804]
    The dye will be absorbed by any tumorus activity. I’m surprised they didn’t give her some inclination right then….they told me right away. Pat

    Nope, not a word. Thanks for the info.

  • 's avatar

    June 3, 2008 at 7:03 pm

    The dye will be absorbed by any tumorus activity. I’m surprised they didn’t give her some inclination right then….they told me right away. Pat

  • Sandrak's avatar


    June 3, 2008 at 6:49 pm

    I just talked to my MIL. She had the CT scan today. The doctors ran an IV to put some dye in. They took some pictures without dye and then some with the dye. What is the purpose of the dye? Of course, they told her nothing. Now, next Tuesday she goes for the cystoscopy.

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