Clotting and how much can a bladder take…..
I had my 5th… 5th TURB – surgery on Dec 23.. in Boston.. well let me back up.. my scope in Oct after my July TURB came back clear.. but middle of November my side back started to hurt a lot… ct scans.. no stones.. nope nothing… pee test.. no cancer cells present…. towards end of Nov early Dec.. I start to bleed.. Go easy… drink drink drink water… hey… I am leaving on a month to Key West Dec 26th.. I need to know what is going on Boston! Okay in for a scope – oh a little one maybe causing the bleeding… okay come in Dec 23rd for TURB #5 So I do… I go…. what I thought was easy for christmas.. and dec 28th I am in the local ER with massive clots and scared as hell! They call Boston… get your fluids and rest….no Key West for about a week. Well I drank the whole water company till I peed clear.. and headed south… I played one round of golf on Jan 12th and rode my bike for a few days… 3 – to about 10 miles… a cruise bike mind you not a racing bike… Jan 16th I wake up to peeing lots of blood and clots again.. I email Boston …. rest… get off the advil ( for the back pain) no bike no golf …drink more water… Midnight – I cannot pee and end up in ER with a flushing catheter. I cannot describe the clots! they pasted right around the catheter and were 8″ or more curled up… At one point they had to manually PLUNGED them out of me…..I have never ever in my life felt pain like I did with that!
Well the 4th day they cauterized my bladder in 4 spots… and I went back to my vacation home… How much can a little bladder take?? I am worn out and so afraid to even pick something up or even afraid to pee or look at it to see blood or clots….
5-12 TURB
5-13 TURB
11-13 TURB
1-14 BCG
7-14 TURB
8-14 BCG
12-14 TURB
1-15 Cauterized for clotting
2-15 Removal of Right Kidney and Lymph node