• Posted by PittProf on July 15, 2010 at 10:08 am

    On July 2 I had my RC with an Indiana Pouch. Things have gone pretty well. At doc appt on Tuesday I was told one of 23 nodes was positive so chemo is necessary. I will be meeting with the medical oncologist Tuesday. I met him briefly prior to surgery and he comes highly recommended. I don’t know what questions I need to ask. If anyone has advise, I would truly appreciate it.

    Melodie replied 14 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • melodie's avatar


    July 19, 2010 at 4:12 am


    When do you begin chemo and what type are they giving you? Knowing that, those of us who have had chemo can share our experience with you. I had MVAC and did fairly well with it but others have not. I was sick the day after chemo on the first two visits until they got my meds figured out. I also had some issue with my feet…hurt to walk across the hardwood floor barefoooted, had to wear cushy bed room shoes. I also lost the hair on my head and the other locations which I would usually shave…but my finger nails grew in super strong; first time I was ever able to have decent nails. And like all others I have known, I was exhausted much of the time but when I went to sleep, it was the best sleep ever. You just don’t know until you started with chemo how you will be affected. Fortunately for me, I did not have any long term issues with numbness in the hands or feet as some do.

    Please let us know the direction of your treatments so we can help by sharing information. Take care and God bless.

    Melodie, Indy Pouch, U.W.Medical Center, Seattle, Dr. Paul H. Lange & Jonathan L. Wright
  • melodie's avatar


    July 15, 2010 at 6:18 pm


    So please to see you back on the forum asking for assistance in regard to chemo issues. People react differently but I think the one common complaint is feeling so exhausted. It became a routine for me to have a daily nap and have to say, it was the best sleep I ever had…it was like once I hit the bed, my bod just kinda melted into the mattress and I was out for the count.

    If your hair is longer, I would suggest you get it cut short so when the hair loss thing happens as it does with most everyone, it won’t be so traumatic. I kept mine long and that made it worse when I showered and became aware it was ready to make it’s exit from my head. At this stage of my life, I found a wig untolerable…too hot and stifling for me, so altho. I wore a little knitted cap sometimes at night, or when I went out…at home I always went bald. In the summer I found it a kick to drive around with the windowns all down and the breeze blowing around my naked head. It’s not as bad after you get used to it.

    Also…you may want to guy some “Ensure” on sale as it has a good amount of protein…if you get it really cold it is OK when you are hungry and will help keep you going.

    I had my chemo prior to surgery but I agree with Gracie, all that liquid being put into you, you find yourself having to make those bathroom visits more often so a Foley might be a very good idea for you. They have you connected up to an IV type of setup…meaning the pole thing, and it’s a pain to drag that off to the restroom as I have done.

    Well, enough said by me just now. Sent you off a “care” pkg. late yesterday so hopefully you will have it by next Monday.
    Sending hugs across the map….stay strong.

    Melodie, Indy Pouch, U.W.Medical Center, Seattle, Dr. Paul H. Lange & Jonathan L. Wright
  • gracie's avatar


    July 15, 2010 at 4:17 pm

    So glad to hear that your surgery went so well. Its not by accident – you have a damn good surgeon! Its a very complex surgery. Congratulations Linda.

    I also had to have adjuvant (after surgery) chemotherapy. I believe the standard is Gemzar/Cisplatin. MVAC is not being used that much anymore. I had Gemzar/Carboplatin since I had a past history of kidney issues.

    I would ask about your cathing. I was concerned about the extra fluid from the chemo. Its a cathing issue since we have to empty so often in the beginning. I had a foley inserted just for the procedure – we monitored it carefully because of the mucous and so forth. But I filled that puppy up each time! I know there are concerns about infections with foleys but I could never have cathed enough to get all the liquid out! For me it worked. You may just want to have that dialogue with your oncologist/doctor.

    Also the challenge with having adjuvant chemo is that one is so tired from the cathing schedule – add that to the chemo regimen and I was flat out exhausted. I was just down and out. Its not easy to have the surgery/chemo back to back.

    Chemo seems to be an individual thing. People react differently to it. Not everything you hear will apply to you.

    Also I bought a wig prior to starting chemo. With cisplatin I’m sure you will lose your hair. They also have scarves out there that might provide a solution.

    But you are half way home now. I wish you the best.


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