I had my R/C done at MD Anderson last year and they were WONDERFUL… treated me like a “princess”, as my husband says. He’s going through treatment for lung cancer down there at the moment and apparently is not happy that he’s not being treated like a “princess”, too.
I had Dr. Randall Millican for oncology and Dr. Barton Grossman for surgery. Who do you have? We’ve spent a lot of time in the ER with my husband and you are right, they are GREAT!
The docs gave me about a month-long break between the chemo and the surgery, which was nice. It gave me a bit of time to feel a bit more normal. As we found out though, my energy levels were still VERY low. My husband treated me to a “Congrats for Getting Through Chemo” trip to Key West 2 weeks before surgery and I ended up spending most of the trip sleeping in the hotel room. In hindsight, we’d have been better off planning the trip after I had recovered from the surgery. Oh, well. It was still nice to get away!
You have a great attitute! It will all be over before you know it and life will be back to normal (for the most part) in just a couple of months after your surgery. If you need anything or have any questions, let me know. We’re at MD Anderson pretty regularly these days, so maybe we could meet up and chat?
Best of luck,
Christine Springfield
T3/G3 – Squamous Cell/Transitional Cell Carcinomas
RC w/Studer Pouch 4/25/07
FINALLY! What great news to hear you are over with the chemo treatment! I have heard that some find the chemo much harder on them than the surgery…maybe this will be the case for you. Sounds like MD Anderson treated you very well so I am hoping that is where you are going for your surgery. When I finished chemo, I had planned to take a little trip but my doctor scheduled me for two weeks later. I wanted more time off for good behavior but didn’t get it. I guess it was just as well as I had limited time to be nervous about it. I’ll be looking to see what date they schedule you…rest and get your strength back…chemo is exhausting. Take care. hugs. Melodie
Melodie, Indy Pouch, U.W.Medical Center, Seattle, Dr. Paul H. Lange & Jonathan L. Wright
So glad you are done with the chemo and getting ready for the RC. Sorry to hear that you ended up in the hospital with the infection…but the positive thing is being done with the chemo! Glad you are feeling better after the transfusions and IV antibiotics…I’m sure you will gain more strength after your body recovers from chemo…although it did take a while for Harry to feel better…it is a daily process. Just don’t get discouraged…look at the end result – being cancer free!! :) Continued prayers coming your way. Margot
Hi Maria,
Please know that we are all praying for you to have “a good outcome”
Maria I am glad to hear you are done with your chemo and got over that bump towards the end with that infection. I got done my chemo last 4/20/07 and my RC was scheduled for 6/20/07 which was nice gave me a good break to spend time with my family. My birthday, and fathers day all fell in that period and just to be away from the hospital was great in itself like it was my second home. I wish you the best when your surgery comes up let me know when it is. Joe ;)
Hooray Maria…..Phase 1 out of the way….onward and upward??….Hope you start feeling more energetic in the next week. Keep us informed….Pat
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