During chemo we spent many a week in a hotel and we got to the place we had our kit, and there are so many kindnesses I remember from family and friends. What follows is some of the best and most useful things I found during chemo and treatment.
I had a backpack that held what I might need while at infusion. It was very nice as I didn’t have to think about it just add what I might need that day and off I would go.
Any of the drug stores carry mouthwash for dry mouth it can be a life saver during chemo by heading off mouth sores if used from the first. Hard candy is handy also for bouts of dry mouth.
During chemo keeping a little something on your stomach is well known to help fight off nausea. Send them little snack packs to keep with them at all times. The hundred calorie packs are a nice size and offer good variety.
Send a non perishable food gift basket to the hotel. Fruit is about as good for you as it gets. Also your need for protein goes up during chemo so any good source that might appeal is a great idea. Note that cheese is good but that constipation can be a problem during chemo so with cheese and fruit for the opposite reason of course, not over doing it is a good idea until you know how your body reacts to it. Also ask about salt intake if you send processed meat.
My ipod was invaluable to me. If he does not have one and loves music get a MPS player and load it with his favorite type music. Chemo for the most part is a lot of tedium they come in hook you up and then you wait. It depends on the drugs, combinations how much hydration they have to give you and so on, for me it was five hours at least a visit. Playing cards, hand held games, books anything they might like to alleviate the boredom is a good gift.
Recently a lady from my husband works was battling cancer and they sent her a gift for everyday she was away for chemo. One day it might be a nice bar of soap and a sea sponge, a candle, a pack of playing cards, a special chocolate bar. You get the idea, they were not expensive or big but they all had one thing in common, they were little comforts. A woman at work gathered them from everyone and sent them in one box; so that everyday she would have something to look forward to. I always thought that it would make a good family project, and everyone would feel they had done something; what a win win.
Tell them for their stay at the hotel to take a few little things that make it feel like home. A favorite pillow and a throw can mean a lot when you don’t feel well and are away from home. If we were flying we would mail a box to the hotel and then use the UPS store to send it back. My husband would include in the box as it went out the return address stickers and tape to seal it up again.
Hope this helps.
Chin up and straight forward
Cynthia Kinsella
T2 g3 CIS 8/04
Clinical Trial
Chemotherapy & Radiation 10/04-12/04
Chemotherapy 3/05-5/05
BCG 9/05-1-06
RC w/umbilical Indiana pouch 5/06
Left Nephrectomy 1/09
President American Bladder Cancer Society