Carolyn I think i making progress
my 7th day post op an at 3 in the mornng walking like i did years ago when i was trying to have my first baby. I picked a good sugeron and so far the first 24 hours was great had an inter ulumbar thing and pain free for 16 hous.
then the pump.
as soon as I startedtakimt the pain meds it got better.I thinkthe pump is 5 minutes of help adn 2 hours of waiting.How bowelsoounds the 4 the day bet started pasing gas the 5 and 6 day.
walking is what help. My faimily iss great.never left eme.Mostly need help to get up to walk ad bag to bed.Dr. Koch did a fast one even with a full hyst.Said i had the perfect anatomy for it. The incision is from just below my belly button to right above the hoo ha. I had a foley catheter and two stents into the ureters, which were pulled yesterday….which did not hurt. I have one jackson pratt drain, and found out the more the drain drains the faster the bowels wake up. Pain is manageable now. Mostly its the gas pain that is causing the pain. I will probably be going home in the next day or two, so I will keep you updated. P.S. Won’t find out about biopsy until tomorrow.
To all of you out there, you made such an impact in my journy