Home Forums All Categories Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Carolyn I think i making progress

  • Carolyn I think i making progress

    Posted by carolyn king on January 3, 2008 at 6:11 am

    my 7th day post op an at 3 in the mornng walking like i did years ago when i was trying to have my first baby. I picked a good sugeron and so far the first 24 hours was great had an inter ulumbar thing and pain free for 16 hous.
    then the pump.
    as soon as I startedtakimt the pain meds it got better.I thinkthe pump is 5 minutes of help adn 2 hours of waiting.How bowelsoounds the 4 the day bet started pasing gas the 5 and 6 day.
    walking is what help. My faimily iss great.never left eme.Mostly need help to get up to walk ad bag to bed.Dr. Koch did a fast one even with a full hyst.Said i had the perfect anatomy for it. The incision is from just below my belly button to right above the hoo ha. I had a foley catheter and two stents into the ureters, which were pulled yesterday….which did not hurt. I have one jackson pratt drain, and found out the more the drain drains the faster the bowels wake up. Pain is manageable now. Mostly its the gas pain that is causing the pain. I will probably be going home in the next day or two, so I will keep you updated. P.S. Won’t find out about biopsy until tomorrow.
    To all of you out there, you made such an impact in my journy

    marie replied 17 years ago 6 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • marie

    January 12, 2008 at 3:19 pm

    Hi Carolyn,
    Great news on your path report.
    Speedy recovery…

  • Guest
    January 12, 2008 at 7:02 am

    Good news on the path report!!!! Whew!!! thats really wonderful. take it easy, strength comes slowly but you will conquer.. just do a little more everyday and you will see big improvement in your daily endurance for being up and about!!!
    The beach awaits!!! Ginger

  • Guest
    January 12, 2008 at 3:40 am

    Hi Carolyn…i just figured out you were on your daughters computer…doh….thats great news about the nodes…congratulations. You seem to be doing pretty well…My stoma nurses at Cleveland only put in 30cc’s at a time for irrigation…if it looked like i needed more they did it a second time…try that especially since it seems to be uncomfortable for you. I didn’t have much of an appetite afterwards…i tried to get essential protein in me by eating an egg every day…hardboiled or sometimes egg salad…but other than that i stuck to soups and noodles or spagetti…it took a few weeks for me to get to the fibre in any quantity…i found that i did use my stool softener every day for about 3 months ..my bowels took a long time to heal. But every case is different. Tred softly. You’ll gain more energy with each day but its still a long process to get back to “normal”…but you will. And you will love reading all those cards and well wishes at a later date. I remember when my husband was having bypass surgery he must have gotten at least that many..he looked at them…i kind of filed them away in a closet and about a year later i pulled the bag down and said to him..Oh look here’s all your cards from when you were in the hospital…..he said “What Cards?”…He was so full of percodan he didn’t remember any of them so it was a real treat for him to go through them!!…..Continued success for you and congrats on the Magnet award. Pat

  • Tiffany

    January 11, 2008 at 10:20 pm

    Dr. Koch said all nodes were negative. I cannot tell you how happy we all were. Afteryou telling me about the vip rooms we also told them we wanted one and due to the holidays they had sone. There was a large living room ajorned which really helped our family. Getting my gut to work is the challenge. When I have any bowel movement then I’m a happy girl. Have had to do fleets or may have to take MOM. So far I have never gotten sick. I’m the type of person when I get sick I keep throwing up so I’, so thankful I did not get the dry heaves like your husband. I’m afraid to eat some things..could be to much fiber or cause gas. My husband come to by daughters house every other day and last night I think i woke him up every 30 minutes.He said next time he is sleeping on the floor. It just felt good to have my big teddy bear there but I just could not sleep. My worse time is from 3 am–6. I finally took 1/2 pain pill around 4:30 and woke up around 9. I have no refills and want enough to last me at least 3 a day. I count them out like gold. My pain was managable at the hospital but when they put me as a 5 as a toleable rate I had them change that in a hurry. I truly believe you can have such a big impact on your care. My family did majoirty of the care. I always asked the nurses how long they had worked there. It realy helped to know if they had been on the floor 5 yeas and taken care of 100’s of neo bladders or been there 2 weeks and could not figure out where to tak the catheter apart to irrigate. That still gives me some pain just the last 5 cc. I tell my family put in 55 instead of 60 but they try to fool me but I know they are not. HOw much to I owe my family…How great our the caregivers. I remember the night I came hope I kept seeing little faces looking into the room checking on me. My CNO called me this morning and I guess we have won the Magnet recogntion award for our hospital that I have spent 4 years working on and going to be there no matter what. She wanted to hook a conference call up but I told her I want to be there. I have received over 200 cards but still cannot read them. When I try I cannot stop crying. I think one day I will be able to and rally enjoy them but not now.I feel so lucky for the path reports. I told Dr. Koch that he is faster than the lastes robot. I still cannot believe he did the total hyst and neo in 3 hours. Your husband was right the emotional pain is worse than the actual surg. So far no complications. I have a voiding cysto gram next week and will go from there. Love to all of you

  • Guest
    January 4, 2008 at 6:40 am

    Glad your feeling better, and its over for you now. On to recovery, slow and easy, It was a pleasure speaking with you and let us know about the path report.
    Part of the hard part is over, don’t get discouraged it will all come back.

  • Guest
    January 3, 2008 at 5:52 pm

    Yea Carolyn….you’re doing great………Pat

  • skypilot

    January 3, 2008 at 3:49 pm

    glad you are doing good, I am 14 days post op. the next 7 will really make a diferance for you. Getting the digestive system to work rite is a big chalenge. But we can do it. Don

    Hanging in there!
  • momof4

    January 3, 2008 at 7:15 am


    Sounds like you are on the road to recovery…I don’t have any advice for you, but at 3:00 AM I wanted you to know that you are not the only one who cannot sleep.

    Here’s to a great New Year, and a Cancer free Path Report!


    Caregiver for my Wonderful Husband Angelo, who has Metastatic Bladder Cancer.

    Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.

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