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    Posted by BJsHere on October 2, 2009 at 7:39 pm

    I was thinking, which can in it’s own right be dangerous…..

    Hmmm, some short terms, what could they be?

    Bladder Cancer Patient,
    Bladder Cancer Person,
    Bladder Cancer People………….

    Thats a lot of typing… I my wrists get sore.
    How about BCP?

    Oh, I know, it sounds like a Petroleum company but it works!

    It covers all three catagories. Some don’t like to be called a Patient when they have “crossed over” (as I like to call it for an RC).

    From now on, I will use BCP and “crossed over” in my posts.

    Webs replied 15 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • webs's avatar


    October 6, 2009 at 2:20 pm

    Ok I have to chime in. We are BLC because bladder starts with BL. If you google BC all you get is breast cancer forever.

    Personally I like BLC makes us more important because we have three letters it is distinctive. The S is for society and this is one that I am proud to be a part of.

    Webs :kiss:

  • mmc's avatar


    October 6, 2009 at 12:02 pm

    I’m guessing we’re ABLCS because otherwise we’d be ABCS.
    Try googling that! You will find everything that has ABC’s in it so you’d constantly find Sesame Street and various other things that relate to the alphabet. You will also find everything to do with the TV network ABC.

    ABCS stands for Army Battle Command Systems.

    ABLCS mainly seems to stand for us and Automatic Bus Location and Control System.

    Other than some part numbers, ABLCS results in Google are mostly us.



    Age 54
    10/31/06 dx CIS (TisG3) non-invasive (at 47)
    9/19/08 TURB/TUIP dx Invasive T2G3
    10/8/08 RC neobladder(at 49)
    2/15/13 T4G3N3M1 distant metastases(at 53)
    9/2013 finished chemo -cancer free again
    1/2014 ct scan results….distant mets
    2/2014 ct result…spread to liver, kidneys, and lymph system

    My opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of ABLCS or anyone else. I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV.
  • 's avatar

    October 6, 2009 at 3:30 am

    OK..i admit it..its driving me nuts……….BC stands for Breast Cancer……BLC stands for bladder cancer……..why we are the ABLCS……..
    :S Pat

  • melodie's avatar


    October 5, 2009 at 6:01 pm

    Well you know I have to go with BCW…
    Bladder Cancer Warrior, for I think we have to become a warrior to fight it, and once we’ve had cancer, we have to always be on guard, being pro-active about protecting our health, and keeping cancer at bay. :side:

    Melodie, Indy Pouch, U.W.Medical Center, Seattle, Dr. Paul H. Lange & Jonathan L. Wright
  • mmc's avatar


    October 3, 2009 at 1:07 pm

    How about BCG for Bladder Cancer Group? That would be fun and confusing all at the same time. :D

    pwhbc: People who had (or have) bladder cancer.
    cob peeps: Cancer Of Bladder People.
    P: People/Patients
    bch: Bladder Cancer Homies
    S: Survivors

    :blush: :blink: :silly:


    Age 54
    10/31/06 dx CIS (TisG3) non-invasive (at 47)
    9/19/08 TURB/TUIP dx Invasive T2G3
    10/8/08 RC neobladder(at 49)
    2/15/13 T4G3N3M1 distant metastases(at 53)
    9/2013 finished chemo -cancer free again
    1/2014 ct scan results….distant mets
    2/2014 ct result…spread to liver, kidneys, and lymph system

    My opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of ABLCS or anyone else. I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV.

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