Home Forums All Categories Men and Bladder Cancer Cancer Diet

  • Posted by FarRed on September 21, 2010 at 9:14 pm

    Has anyone heard of a good diet for prevent recurrence of bladder cancer? So far I’ve heard–reduce sugar and dairy, increase veggies.

    Age: 50
    Bladder cancer diagnosed Mar, 2010.
    Robotic assisted laproscopic cystoprostatectomy with Studer neo-bladder, 2010.
    UMC Tucson
    replied 14 years, 4 months ago 11 Members · 32 Replies
  • 32 Replies
  • 's avatar

    October 13, 2010 at 10:59 pm

    OK…There is no practical way that your liver somehow “knows” that the glucose molecule came from a green bean instead of a grain of table sugar, except that your entire body benefits from additional nutrients when you consume the green bean. Silly Liver
    This is kind of a fun read……

  • Elkhorn's avatar


    October 13, 2010 at 10:29 pm

    Patricia –

    Actually, I do… You can send me links to articles that I can read in my Copious Free Time (TM), rather than quoting the articles here.


  • nix's avatar


    October 12, 2010 at 12:05 pm

    Here is some info I found a couple of weeks ago when this thread started. http://www.everydiet.org/1001/sugar-and-artificial-sugar-facts
    I found a wealth of info just going thru Google and asking questions about sugars.

    Nancy S
    Ta CIS
    dx Ta 11/06
    dx Ta CIS 10/07
  • 's avatar

    October 12, 2010 at 4:26 am

    Oh Elkhorn you really don’t want to know the answer to that do you? Its really looooooooong…..
    :silly: pat

  • Elkhorn's avatar


    October 12, 2010 at 12:59 am

    Hi –

    Could you enlighten me about “sugars”?

    What’s the difference between “natural” and “processed” sugars? How do each affect the body?

    Thank you.


  • vgau's avatar


    September 28, 2010 at 6:29 pm

    If anyone gets to be the fat donor, I would love it to be me. The crazy thing is since starting to eat healthy and quitting smoking, I gained a lot of weight. It is slowly coming off, but I’m there for the lypo if you need me.

    Dx 10/5 Non Invasive Papillary
  • 's avatar

    September 28, 2010 at 4:11 am

    Except for Breast and Prostate cancers….rates are about the same.
    Is Chocolate a veggie?..i think so…its made from a bean..thats a veggie…….. :laugh:

  • rockyiss's avatar


    September 28, 2010 at 2:11 am

    Pat, Chocolate is good for a persons soul ! One never needs an excuse to eat this stuff ! My downfall is one fountain coke a day. I don’t drink canned or bottle pop it is to strong. The fountain coke with ice gets pretty dialuided.
    A good diet with lots of veggies couldn’t hurt and I like veggies. They say cancer rates are lower with seventh day adventest, there big on eating right ie lots of raw food. Rocky

  • mmc's avatar


    September 26, 2010 at 4:26 pm


    I will be happy volunteer as a fat donor for you! :)
    If you can find somebody to do the transplat, I’m there! :)


    Age 54
    10/31/06 dx CIS (TisG3) non-invasive (at 47)
    9/19/08 TURB/TUIP dx Invasive T2G3
    10/8/08 RC neobladder(at 49)
    2/15/13 T4G3N3M1 distant metastases(at 53)
    9/2013 finished chemo -cancer free again
    1/2014 ct scan results….distant mets
    2/2014 ct result…spread to liver, kidneys, and lymph system

    My opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of ABLCS or anyone else. I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV.
  • farred's avatar


    September 26, 2010 at 4:13 pm

    Speaking of cravings–I was never a chocaholic, but had no problem polishing off a large bag of peanut MMs. Since the surgery and losing two feet of intestine, I have no craving for it. Also, I used to avoid cold food due to sensitive teeth, but now crave cold fruit. I keep my orange juice pitcher filled, and a can of peaches or pineapple in the fridge at all times. Then there’s the Costco berry smoothies–woohoo! So much for avoiding sugar.

    Age: 50
    Bladder cancer diagnosed Mar, 2010.
    Robotic assisted laproscopic cystoprostatectomy with Studer neo-bladder, 2010.
    UMC Tucson
  • farred's avatar


    September 26, 2010 at 4:07 pm

    Thanks. That sounds familiar. This is the part of the Mayo article that still makes me suspicious:
    “All tissues in your body absorb some of this tracer, but tissues that are using more energy — including cancer cells — absorb greater amounts.”

    Waistline? I lost 25 lbs over the course of my two TURBTs and cystectomy. After four months I have gained back–tada–one pound. Nice if I were over weight, but now I’m 136, 5′ 11″. I WISH I could gain some weight. I hope I never have to go through chemo or I’m screwed.

    Age: 50
    Bladder cancer diagnosed Mar, 2010.
    Robotic assisted laproscopic cystoprostatectomy with Studer neo-bladder, 2010.
    UMC Tucson
  • nix's avatar


    September 26, 2010 at 12:36 am

    Yahoo :laugh: Now if you could show me an article that sugar doesn’t make my waistline grow, or is actually good for you, I would be in heaven :woohoo:

    Nancy S
    Ta CIS
    dx Ta 11/06
    dx Ta CIS 10/07
  • 's avatar

    September 25, 2010 at 6:33 pm
  • Alan's avatar


    September 25, 2010 at 3:00 pm

    Refined sugar vs “natural” sugars are different compounds and used by the body differently. Am guessing one of our gurus will shed more light as I am too lazy to research it further. I also know that wheat bread is better than white bread (flour). I am not a nutritionist but I’d google those subjects.

    The best answer however, that I have heard is “everything in moderation”. Probably covers it all.

    DX 5/6/2008 TAG3 papillary tumor .5 CM in size. 2 TURBS followed by 6 instillations of BCG weekly with a second round of 6 after a 6 week wait.
  • pemquid's avatar


    September 24, 2010 at 8:06 pm

    Being from Maine, I’m always happy to see blueberries on lists of “good stuff” (for cancer or otherwise). And for Pat and other chocolate lovers: I’ve seen chocolate covered blueberries lately in specialty food stores. I’ve tasted them and they are yummy.


    P.S. Where does the “sugar feeds cancer” idea come from? I’ve seen that mentioned in another context elsewhere, but I’m somewhat skeptical. I do know there are a lot of folks who have very strong opinions about the evils of refined sugar and flour, and am wondering if the sugar-cancer idea applies just to refined sugars or all sugars (e.g., what about honey, maple syrup and agave? What about the sugars in many fruits and vegetables?)

    Small TA Grade 1, May-06; recur (2 tiny), same, June-08; TURBTs both times. BCG begun July-08, dosage to 1/3rd May-10, completed treatment December-11. All clear since 2008.
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