Can we handle MORE good news?
Had my 7 year checkup Monday and it was all GOOD. Don’t have to worry about this for another year!! (Sure, but I do worry anyway!)
Another tiny bit of news that was NOT quite so good. Had my dermatology check up two weeks ago. She looked at a little tiny freckle and asked if it had “changed” recently. Well, I am one of those people with a LOT of freckles and moles….told her I didn’t even know I had that one. After she finished the rest of the exam she said that she would like to take it off. Turns out it was very early malignant melanoma!!! So she cut an even bigger piece out of my left arm. Path results are back. Totally contained and 99.99% sure it will not come back. That is good news.
What bothers me is that this is the THIRD cancer I have had. Can’t help but wonder if I am snake-bit!!!
Sara Anne
Diagnosis 2-08 Small papillary TCC; CIS
BCG; BCG maintenance
Vice-President, American Bladder Cancer Society
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